Report #022: WTF?!?

Mar 03, 2005 17:58


First off, Em, Malik, Zach... U are all my friends. You are all people I enjoy hanging with. You are all cool in my book. But if this shit is gonna continue, regardless of source, direction, or purpose... do not drag me into it. Do not bitch about each other to me, do not ask who side I'm on, who I got their back on in all this, cause frankly, I don't fucking care. Whats happened has happened. We can't change shit and this point. No new evidence is going to make the load lighter or heavier. Keep your shit between YOU, YOUR THERAPIST AND GOD! I was willing to be a shoulder to cry on, I was willing to deal with it. BUT IF INSIST ON THIS KINDERGARTEN STYLE SIDE COMMENTING, HE-SAID-SHE-SAID, NAME CALLING, FINGER POINTING BULLSHIT THAN I AM GOING TO BREAK TIES WITH ALL THREE OF YOU, LOCK MY DOOR, SIGN OFF THE NET, AND BURY MY HEAD IN MY WORK AND WRITING, CAUSE I AM NOT SLAMMING MY HAND IN TO THE WALL TO GENERATE ENOUGH PAIN TO TAKE MY MIND OFF THIS SHIT ANYMORE.

As for the rest of the world...

- Do not see The Heroic Trio if you have issues with plot holes, bad effects, overuse of slow motion or dead babies.
- Do see The Heroic Trio if you like really REALLY bad kung fu and can make light of a morbidly dramatic death scene of a newborn.

- Do not see The Returner if you have problems with extreme overuse of Bullet Time, or really touchy about subjects such as physics, logic and the space time continuum. (Joe, I'm looking at you here.)
- Do see the Returner if you like an action movie with moderately decent dubbing and cool action sequences.

Okay, I got Friday... then a weekend... then midterms... then spring break... then four more days of class... then a four day weekend... ya.

BTW, there's a new HG2TG ONLINE ONLY trailer up. We get to see... or hear... Alan Rickman as the voice of Marvin. IT'S AWESOME! Oh! And Zaphod DOES HAVE TWO HEADS! The other pops up underneath like a fucked up PEZ dispenser. And the other Theatrical Trailer is now available in Quicktime format (as is the Online Exclusive one) only at:

On a final sidenote. PAX, the open-to-public version of E3, shares a name with a Christian television station... WTF?

K signing out, hoping a decent and normal nights sleep will somehow make all the shit go far far far far far away...

Fuck optimism... I'm going to start so many new projects that I'll forget other people exist...

If I only could I'd set the world on fire
Fuck the world! Fuck em all!
Fuck you, fuck me, fuck us
Fuck Tom, fuck Mary, fuck Gus
Fuck Darius
Fuck the west coast, and fuck everybody on the east
Eat shit and die, or fuck off at least
Fuck pre-schoolers, fuck rumors
Kings and Queens and gold jewelers
Fuck wine coolers
Fuck chickens, fuck ducks
Everybody in your crew sucks, punk mother fucks
Fuck friends, fuck your concern
Even if you worried, fuck you
Fuck your mom, fuck your mom's momma
Fuck the Beastie Boys and the Dali Llama
Fuck all fifty two states! and fuck you
Fuck Oprah, fuck opera, fuck a soap opera
Fuck a pop locker and a cock blocker
Fuck the president, fuck your welfare
Fuck your government and fuck Fred Bear
Fuck Nugent, like anybody gives a fuck
You like to hunt a lot, so fuckin what?!
Fuck disco, Count of Monte Crisco
Fuck Cisco, and Jack and Jerry Brisco
And fuck everyone who went down with the Titanic, in a panic
I'm like fuck you all
Fuck Celine Dion and fuck Dionne Warwick
You both make me sick, suck my dick
Fuck the Berlin Wall, both sides of it
And fuck Lyle Lovett, whoever the fuck that is
Fuck everybody in the hemisphere
Fuck them across the world, and fuck them right here
You know the guy that sells the sunglasses in Denver on
the 16th? FUCK HIM!
Fuck your idea, fuck your gonnoreha
Fuck your diarrhea, Rocky Maivia
Fuck the police and the 5-0 too
Fuck your little brother's homie from around the way
And fuck the Harlequin, K.

For now, don't IM, don't call, don't text message, and for satan's sake don't bother me in my room.
I'll deal with my shit by myself.
I've atleast learned to do that with my time on this shit rock of a planet.
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