I finally saw Taiyou no Uta the movie! Alas! I'll try my very best not to 'spoilerize' this post. XD.
Anyway... it was so beautiful! Magic! Though kind of sad. *sniff* I cried a bucket of tears after the ending. Stupid XP thing... T-T. Maybe I'll try to watch the series too (Same story different actors). Though the actress who plays Amane Kaoru
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Comments 4
I was thinking that we were gonna be stuck there 'till afternoon. But no, sir got left behind with some of the boys. He was our savior *u* *was relieved when i saw his shadow - erm... i mean him xD* Sir o.o If by any chance you were able to read this comment o.o... I'm sorry! >.< I was just kidding x.x
Lola-apo relationship ^.^ Har~ You have gotten so used to calling me lola and I've been so used to you calling me lola o.o That's why I find it odd when you call me Inna or something xD ahehe
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