Title: Yes, Master Pairing/Characters: Hina/? (Read to find out? ;D), Yoko/nosiness Rating: G Warnings: None. Notes: For yue_akuma <3 I hope you like it! Summary: Hina has a hobby. Which may or may not be hardcore BDSM.
Yoko/nosiness xD rofl ♥ I loved how Hina was just laughing it off so much and Maru being completely nonchalant about it :D It was super fun to read, thanks anon!
OMG THIS IS SO AWESOME. Seriously, I laughed so hard!
Okay, time to get some quoting, hmmm... No sparkles because LJ hates me though, sorry! :(
“Where else is he going to go?” Hina laughs, throwing his head back a little. Maniacal, Yoko thinks, is the best way to describe it. This made me giggle REALLY HARD, because I can just picture Hina laughing maniacally and Yoko watching him with wide eyes like "omg wtf this guy". XD
Why isn’t he giving Yoko the details when he so clearly needs them in order to move on with his life? THAT! is so Yoko-ish! XD Thumbs up!
And he’s mostly focusing his attention on Hina, who isn’t really paying attention to him anyway. Typical, Yoko huffs. Yoko you attention-whore! XDDD Laughing omgggggggggggg!
“Hey,” Yasu says, chuckling and cozying up to Yoko’s side. “Save the passion for the camera.” Yasu, you're so oblivious, I love you! XDDD
“What are you doing?” Hina asks, turning around to where Yoko is close on his heels
( ... )
Comments 5
I loved how Hina was just laughing it off so much and Maru being completely nonchalant about it :D It was super fun to read, thanks anon!
This line cracked me up so hard XDDDDD Yoko/nosiness otp!!!
*goes to read*
Okay, time to get some quoting, hmmm... No sparkles because LJ hates me though, sorry! :(
“Where else is he going to go?” Hina laughs, throwing his head back a little. Maniacal, Yoko thinks, is the best way to describe it.
This made me giggle REALLY HARD, because I can just picture Hina laughing maniacally and Yoko watching him with wide eyes like "omg wtf this guy". XD
Why isn’t he giving Yoko the details when he so clearly needs them in order to move on with his life?
THAT! is so Yoko-ish! XD Thumbs up!
And he’s mostly focusing his attention on Hina, who isn’t really paying attention to him anyway. Typical, Yoko huffs.
Yoko you attention-whore! XDDD Laughing omgggggggggggg!
“Hey,” Yasu says, chuckling and cozying up to Yoko’s side. “Save the passion for the camera.”
Yasu, you're so oblivious, I love you! XDDD
“What are you doing?” Hina asks, turning around to where Yoko is close on his heels ( ... )
I need to know YOko's revenge xD anon-san you should do it after reveals!
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