body world

May 14, 2005 16:33

so thursday went to body world...
got to the school at 6:30 and drove for like 4 hours to clevland...
it was really cool...
but made me kind of queezy...
there were accual human bodies in there...
on diplay with like this chemical in them so they dont go bad i guess...
you would have to see it for yourself...
you forget that they are real humans when you ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

ojfreak4sale May 14 2005, 20:48:58 UTC
god I wanted to go to that soo bad..
i didnt care about getting out of school
i just wanted to see it, cuz it sounded cool

hahaha I love this movie! you know we have not
seen to many movies twice...
And I need to hang out with people I dont
have to fake likeing, lmao...that felt good to
say that



k8t3 May 15 2005, 02:09:36 UTC
yea you know if we see a movie twice it has to be really good!
haha i love giggles!!!!!


___sensational May 14 2005, 20:54:49 UTC
my schools too cheap for that stuff.
what fags.


k8t3 May 15 2005, 02:10:02 UTC
im sorry...
yea they are fags...
haha jk


imamesstobemade May 14 2005, 21:30:43 UTC
i absolutely loooove musicals!


k8t3 May 15 2005, 02:10:31 UTC
oh me too....
like everyone ive seen i like..
its weird


_brookelynn May 14 2005, 23:59:42 UTC
why didnt you take any pictures of the bodies?
that would have been cool.


k8t3 May 15 2005, 02:11:09 UTC
cameras wernt even allowed in the place..
i know its sad..
i wanted to take pictures really bad!


_brookelynn May 15 2005, 02:26:49 UTC
yea i sorta figured that.
so i want to change my journal stuff.
you will have to do it, or show me how.
lata kt


_lucy_lamb_ May 15 2005, 09:17:14 UTC
wow u seen like dead bodies n stuff thats so cool but kinda freaky as well :/
i love phanton of the opera


_lucy_lamb_ May 15 2005, 09:17:25 UTC


k8t3 May 15 2005, 13:05:41 UTC
yea it was cool/freaky....
i wish i could take pics in there!
oh well


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