Name: Birdy
Livejournal Username: shirhan_blade
AIM/MSN: shirhanblade
Timezone: Alaska - soon to be Arizona in late May
Current Characters in Route:
Name: Heiji Hattori
Series: Detective Conan
Timeline: Current to Chapter 770/movie 14
Canon Resource Links:
Fandom wiki here! Personality:. He's a giant puppy.
No really - he's high energy, social, incredibly loyal, there will be no end to the barking if you do something wrong around him but he'll forget he was angry after a day or two in most cases, and he's blindingly intelligent but still manages to do that common sense/not actually thinking things through that can make him seem like an idiot. He's good natured, approachable, usually pretty upbeat, and the words "die" and "give up" are not in his vocabulary; neither is that funny "fe-ay-er" word.
If he gets along with you at all and you're not clashing with his sense of right and wrong, you can pretty much get away with anything on him. Weird pranks? He'll either laugh with you or make a show of bitching and then be impressed at what you pulled off. Drag him into a plan with rambled instructions and no real explanation? Just tell him where he needs to be. Have a secret identity you need to juggle? He'll pretend to be "you" to throw people off the trail and/or draw fire. Of course, while he's the best friend you could ever ask for, he can still be loud, brash, not think occasionally, and be stubbornly slightly obnoxious.
That sense of right and wrong? It's incredibly highly developed - he did get raised around cops by one of the most formidable police chiefs in his canon. Given conflicts between the letter of the law and what he'd read as "right", he'll err a bit more moral than ethical, but you will never get him to compromise his principles. Cross a line and do something "wrong" or harm others, and he will be your worst enemy until the issue is addressed. Give him signs that a crime has occurred or there's a plot to do something horrible? He'll be there with bells on to either solve it, or stop it and minimize damage. If he gets the idea you're a person who's going to be up to No Good or will be a Repeat Offender, he may not be obvious about it necessarily, but he will watch you like a hawk. On the other hand, if you're not giving him any reason to suspect you'd do it again or that it was a normal thing for you? Take responsibility, deal with any punishments, and try to do the right thing, and he's actually pretty forgiving; he doesn't hold grudges very well, and if there's no reason for him to be hissing at someone, he'll stop caring. He might still grumble occasionally or make comments depending on the circumstances, but it'll be pretty half-hearted.
He's brash and given a situation that might be dangerous or where someone might get hurt, he will be dashing in headfirst to make sure people are OK and Do Something. He's fairly good at thinking on his feet, and occasionally even will plan things out a little on his way in, but his self-preservation instinct is slightly busted; as much as he's decent at thinking fast and keeping himself and others in one piece, it's less that he's cautious, and more that he gets involved first and thinks about the potential for injury later. If there's someone else with no survival instinct, it's slightly mitigated by the fact that he'll be watching their backs, and therefore might be distracted from his own stupidity.
He's also got a terminal case of foot-in-mouth disease! He thinks very quickly and tends to blurt things out before he's really thought about what he's saying. This leads to thinks like his infamous "nearly blowing Shinichi's cover by calling him Kudo around other people", nearly getting killed by his girlfriendchildhood friend for saying something a little too Teenage Boy, saying a too-honest opinion and then needing to backpedal, or thinking out loud and saying things he probably should've kept in his head. He's a horrible liar and most of the time sucks at deception that actually requires him to be talking and actively participating.
He's highly intelligent - enough to manage most of his foot in mouth stubborn moments ending up sounding less like he's STUPID per se, and more like he's an easily distracted teenager. He's very sharp, very fast to pick up details, and very good at putting the pieces together into the whole; he has been successfully working as a detective enough to've gotten a decent reputation. Give him a mess of clues and a little time and he'll be able to rattle off just what happened. For people not used to him, it can be a little whiplash-inducing to have someone who's basically a bright, but brash, normal teenage boy suddenly rattling off things he's pieced together from clues that nobody else noticed - and probably being right. He doesn't exactly think in straight linear logic; his mental processes will generally skip all over the place between bits of information drawing connections and gnawing over things until something starts clicking. Get him on a trail and he latches on like a terrier.
This leads to about the only time he manages anything resembling guile; he is capable of playing stupid and playing up the foot in mouth easily distracted enough to pretend he hasn't figured things out yet, or even make it sound like he's latched onto things going the wrong direction to fake people out or get them to give themselves away.
He's active, and as much as he's a "detective", he's athletic and invested in sports; in ordinary terms, he's actually known for being very skilled at kendo. He's also a fan of baseball, and the change in costume and location probably won't be enough to get him to let go of the baseball cap he wears always, in support of the Osaka team. In many ways, he's probably the most "normal" teenage boy of the lot of them from his canon.
Thiiis extends to hormones. He's massively attached to his childhood friend, Kazuha Toyama, but is in utter denial over the idea of dating her (and is used to her being Very Scary whenever he's slipped and made the wrong comments at him)...
But he is a Teenage Boy. He has gotten in trouble for getting caught checking out girls' bikinis on the beach with "Conan", and really, the most damning example on his occasionally facepalm-worthy ability to get distracted by girls is in the only two times in canon the villain Vermouth, who has a cover identity as an actress, is brought up around him.
Both times part of his comment that apparently includes his mental identifiers for her also include her ample ... tracts of land.
He doesn't seem interested in chasing, and really it's probably only some sort of residual habit/fear-of-her that's stopped him from latching onto Kazuha already, but he can be distracted, he will flounder-flail if flirted with, and he will Notice Girls.
Strengths/Weaknesses: Heiji is obnoxiously observant and good at reasoning and deduction - he will be annoyingly good at figuring things out. He's clever, good at thinking on his feet in a crisis, and doesn't panic or get intimidated; he's also incredibly loyal and protective of others, with a strong moral compass and will be good for protecting squishier characters.
On the weaknesses side, he's stubborn, occasionally hard-headed, prone to putting himself in dangerous situations, and can flounder and derp when he's not thinking things through as much. He has a lethal case of foot in mouth poisoning and and may end up pissing off less patient people! He's very slow to think about making an actual RETREAT and may easily get in WAY over his head.
Pokémon Information
Affiliation: Trainer
Starter: Houndour "Baskerville"
Password: seasalt icecream
First Person Sample:
[The first thing noticeable in the feed is barking.]
[A LOT of barking.]
[It's also very dark, and there's occasional sparks going up that ... don't illuminate much more than rock and more darkness!]
So uh... [There's movement in the dark that might, in the flickers of sparks, be identifiable as a sheepish headscratch.]
I think'm lost. Kinda been wandering in the dark for ... [he's squinting at the Pokégear's clock.] Nine hours now.
Anybody got any tips for getting out of here? 'm getting sick of tripping over rocks.
...An' rocks tryin' to get tripped over. [Stupid Geodude.]
Third Person Sample:
It was a bright, sunny day, and the teenager by the lakeshore probably isn't making a lot of sense - going back and forth between pacing the area studying the ground intently, to standing still surveying the area, to darting back and forth in some kind of strange pantomime while a black and white furball dogs his footsteps following suit.
So the tracks from the building that was robbed went that way, then there was milling around for a while, and then they sharply changed direction with another set of tracks, significantly larger...
Big with large flippers? That had him scrambling for his Pokédex. "A'right... so...looks like they left by the lake..." He stared from the tracks, to the screen, to the lake. "There's no rivers outta here, so they've got to have landed somewhere on the shore."
As long as there was something to follow and some kind of a clue, he'd have this one in the bag - and somehow, it didn't really bother him that he hadn't been seeing dire murder cases since he got here; he could get used to a place like this... all the challenge, little less of the life or death gambles and idiots taking away things that could never be restored.
"So Bas. Y'think we can pick up the trail a bit when we find where they got out of the water?"
The little canine ran forward to where the tracks hit the water, pawing at the shore with another bark.
He grinned at the Houndour, pulling his baseball cap around with the brim forward. "Gonna have to watch out for the Lapras, but - let's go show'em what we're made of!"
They both took off running along the lakeshore - they'd find the tracks from the water pokémon somewhere, and the thieves can't have gotten nearly far enough away to get away with it.