I don't know you, but I like the way you smile at me.
That's what I remember thinking the day that I met him. I thought, I don't know you, but you smile at me like you've known me all of your life. At the time, I didn't know if it was me, of if that was the sort of person he was. This is a weird thing to reference, but in Win A Date With Tad Hamilton!, Topher Grace plays this guy called Pete. He's madly in love with Rosalee, played by Kate Bosworth, but he's far too shy to do anything about it. Rosalee enters and wins this contest for a date with Tad Hamilton, played by Josh Duhamel. Despite the fact that Rosalee ended up throwing up all over the car, the date was a hit and Tad decides that he wants to continue dating Rosalee. This, of course, upsets Pete, who finally works up the nerve to tell Rosalee how he feels, but by then, she has already fallen in love with Tad. So, because what Pete wants more than anything is to make Rosalee happy, he goes to Tad and basically makes sure that this guy really loves her. He says to him, "Do you know she has six smiles? One when something really makes her laugh. One when she's making plans. One when she's laughing out of politeness. One when she's uncomfortable. One when she's making fun of herself. And one when she's talking about her friends."
You had a story, I wanted to know it. Money talks, right? When I first moved to New York, I was maybe sixteen and I had very little of it. I wasn't at the point in my career that it was starting to become lucrative, and by sacrificing too much money for my shoebox of an apartment, I was sacrificing my grocery money. I got this job at, of all places, a portrait studio. It didn't really pay a lot, but I got to learn how to work a camera and even be on the other side of it a couple of times. I didn't really do photography for customers; I ran the desk and showed the portraits to people when they picked them up. We had a lot of regular customers. Apparently, when children are young, a lot of parents like to have them photographed, at the very least, once a season. They just want to see how they grow up, I guess, and when the kid is all grown up, he can go back and see for himself. There was one man that came in monthly with his daughter. She might have been five or six when I first met them. She was the quintessential American kid. She had long brown hair that she always had in a very long braid down her back. She wasn't the sort of girl that liked Barbie. After they had left that first day that I met them, my boss told me that her mother had up and walked out on her and her father when the girl was just a baby, so that might explain why she was so averse to Barbie and playing dress-up and all of that.
They were picking up pictures one day. This man said to me, "I want you to think of any five days of the year, because my kid will guess them all." I was a naysayer, of course. I didn't believe in the ability to read minds outside of infomercials for 1-900 psychic hotlines and that's not really mind-reading as much as it is somebody feeding answers through an earpiece. He goes, "If my kid can do that, would you give us our pictures for free?" Whenever someone makes you a deal like this, don't take them up on it. There wasn't a trick to this. He did ask me to write dates down or anything, she got the first one right on the money and I thought, okay, this is creepy, but it's not possible for her to get four more, and this kid got every single one correct. I got fired that day, I want you to know. The way I saw it, me and this guy had an accord, so I had to make good on it. My manager saw me taking money out of my wallet to pay for them and fired me instantly for it. The guy felt bad and tried to pay me back the money for the pictures, but I wouldn't let him. I just wanted to know how this kid was able to rattle off these dates the way that she did. "She can just read people," he told me. "It's her gift." I have always coveted this child's ability to read people. When you go into the CIA, part of the training requires that you learn to read people. I don't think lessons would help me with this. I know enough to know when a person is angry or happy, but I can't ever fit together the tiny details into the big picture.
Until I met him.
I know this sounds bogus, but I believe in fate to a specific point. I don't like to believe that I'm not in control of my own destiny, but I do believe that when you are born, there are certain people that you have to meet throughout your life to help you become the person you want to be. The second that I met him, I knew that he was one of those people for me. The second I met him, I thought, one day, you and I are going to become best friends. I knew him through association when I first met him. At the time, everybody did. Still does, probably. I knew his name, I knew his trade, but I didn't know anything else. Not enough to accurately think something like that without cosmic guidance. Hana is big into astrology. She reads her horoscope everyday, I think, and when someone does something spectacular, she'll say, "Oh, he's probably an Aquarius," and she'll have never met the person before in her life, but miraculously, she'll get it correct, and I can only assume that there's something to all of it.
I was right, you know. Maybe I have psychic powers or maybe I just wanted it bad enough to make it come true, but very slowly he started to become one of my closest friends. When I had an issue, I would come to him and he wouldn't have to say anything and I would leave feeling as if everything was fixed with some giant metaphorical bandage that only he ever seemed to have.
You changed me. I want you to know that. You continue to look at me as if I'm the only person in focus. I think you have got my insides memorised. I don't really have to say anything to you, because you read my mind before I can open my mouth. I don't know what's going to happen a year from now, a month from now, a week from now, or even a day from now, but I can tell you honestly that whatever it is, I want it to involve you.
You know all the pieces of me, and I'm going to smile at you every day the way you once smiled at me.