Ahhhhh *sigh*...I have had one of those lazy days today! Yesterday was great and I can't believe that I have never been to Laserquest before...I have been so missing out. And I also beat lots of people first time! Lets not mention the second....(no I wasn't last
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It has been one of those days!! I can't really work out if i liked it or if it totally sucked. Firstly I had a test with Mr Sharp and thought thats ok, its only calculus and then I got there and realised it was on exponentials too (sure that meant nothing to anyone lol) so I was stuck until I thought about it and realised it was simple...*stupid me
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Hmm...this is a sort of a rant of an lj today! I went to training tonight and unfortunately everyone seems to hate each other...theres loads of phrases like "in someone's case" and "*like* someone" and most of the time you know they aren't talking about you but its hard to distinguish just who they are talking about! Sometimes you think its other
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Damn these temperamental hounds!! I take Poppy to a show on Saturday and a display in Sunday, so I think she'll be knackered and i think, hey, lets take Whisk instead. All ready to go and alas not tired, Poppy was literally full of beans. I decided to take her and I am glad I did as she is now speedy Poppy...I am so proud...
Jet is coming tomorrow!! Oh so much to do but i really cannot wait, she is wonderfully wonderful but not quite as fab as Poppy! *squeal!* Tomorrow I will have my puppy
Je m'ennuie. J'ai décidé d'exemplifier mes qualifications en langue française. Comme vous le savez, j'ai quatre chien, qui s'appellent Tess,Kira, Poppy
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