In the heart of Tokyo lies Eitoku Academy - a distinguished private school aimed at catering to the children of the rich and famous from around the world. Here the next CEOs, top artists and well rounded heirs dominate over the lucky few who have what it takes to win a scholarship through their brains and brawn. Social tension runs rampant as those of 'lesser means' continue to invade what was once thought to be an academic oasis for the rich. Fasten your seat belts because it's sure to be a bumpy ride.
Can you take the heat?
Based on the manga and drama series Hana Yori Dango/Boys Over Flowers, eitokuacademy is a school for the elite few. Game play is based on the day to day lives of the rich and famous and the occasional 'lesser than' that break through the ranks. We accept muses from all over Asia and we are open to PB's.✔ Godmodding, metagaming, or powerplaying is strictly prohibited.
✔ Please add this comm, the mod journal, and the ooc comm before claiming.
✔ Sceneing takes place over AIM or LJ comments in an appropriately marked post. If you wish to post your log please do so in the ooc community with the appropriate tags.
✔ No more than 3 muses per mun. Though this is an anonymous game, we have ways of finding out. If we do, we will ask you to leave. This is subject to change if there is enough demand, and enough muns for the community
✔ Please only take one muse per band.
✔ In the title of your application, please put 'I love money because....' and include why.
✔ In character drama is encouraged, but OOC drama is firmly looked down upon. If you have an issue with a mun that you cannot take care of between yourselves, contact the mod and we will handle it accordingly.
✔ BE ACTIVE. Don't claim and disappear. If something comes up, let us know through a hiatus. If you need more time, contact the mods and we can try to work something out.
✔ Cuts take place on the first of each month. There are several ways to fulfill the requirement:
Cuts will take place on the first of each month. Please chose one of the following to fulfill your activity requirements.
✔ Two journal posts - this does not include private entries.
✔ Two RP logs, posted to the ooc comm.
✔ One post to the main comm - which will serve as a school message board.
✔ Participation in the monthly activity. ➝
Claims & Holds ➝
Applications ➝
Q&A ➝
Class System ➝
Drop Box ➝
Profile Layout