Here we are, back with more Flyff screenshots and epic adventures! This time we're joined by some new faces. Enjoy!
WARNING: This post is obscenely long, meaning the load time might very well be horrendous, especially if you're on Dialup. Don't say I didn't warn you!
We start by joining Kierra (nicknamed Kiki by our dear friend Heather
yumenotenshi) as she takes a closer look at some NPCs. Why does that owl not have a neck? The world may never know:
Then Kiki went to go meet up with Ashean, or Ashey-chan. They were joined by Yume, who seemed to be having a little trouble with her keyboard:
Kiki tried to show everyone how tough she was by defeating a monster with one combo and then striking a fierce pose, but bad camera angles ruined the effect:
Much better.
Later, our three lovely ladies journeyed to a lake, where Kierra began to make some more scientific inquiries about the relationship between water and living creatures in Roika (the world in which Flyff takes place):
It was about that time, too, that we discovered just how much fun jumping in the lake can be, especially when it's accompanied by an awesome splashy sound:
Only Yume seemed to have any concerns about this, but Kiki quickly laid them to rest:
Later, Ashean and Callisto (nicknamed Calli) met up to punish small children for attacking travelers with butcher knives. But first, they stopped for a photo op:
Ashey also revealed her true nature by spinning around with her head on the ground:
Honestly. *Rolls eyes*
Once that was done, Calli finally had enough money to get new hair!
It's very pretty, and very silver.
After getting new hair, it was time to snatch some more money from the bank and get get a new face! On the way to the makeup artist, Calli discovered a very cute thing. So cute, in fact, that cute was part of its name!
She also ran into some trouble when trying to obtain said new face:
It was called a hat, last I heard....
Behold Callisto's awesome new face:
Now, something creepy about the next couple screenshots is that this person kept showing up in not only my screencaps, but in Heather's too, at completely different times! What the heck?
See? Creepy. Anyways, remember that name. Moving on now.
Callisto finally realized her life's goal of becoming an Assist! Hooray!
Oh yeah, looking good with her pillbox hat and Q-tip looking weapon:
Now, the thing about being an Assist is that they're pretty in-demand. Assists are the support characters in Flyff. They heal other players and use supportive spells called buffs to augment their abilities. Oftentimes, Assist characters will have other players just randomly walk up to them and ask for buffs. Other times, you have more interesting occurrences, like when someone decided to follow Callisto around for no apparent reason, only speaking after I asked why they were doing so:
Weird. They went on to demand that I fight with them instead of focusing on healing - not that that would have done much good, as Callisto is what's called a Full-Support (or FS) Assist, meaning all her stat points go into Intelligence for better healing and buffs, instead of strength and stamina for fighting. They wouldn't leave me alone about it:
How rude.
Once her short partnership with DEATHSHADOW was over, Calli decided to play "Stalker Assist" and go around healing anyone who was looking a little low on HP. It's kinda fun, though it does have a tendency to creep out other players every now and then.
Stalker Calli!
After that, it was time to give Kierra a turn, so I went to go kill Wagsaacs in the hopes of finding some bone fragments for a quest.
Then it was back to Calli's account for some random partnering. I made a new friend!
Then it was time to open up shop and sell things. Calli looks so confused.
Finally, at long last, Kiki hit level 20, meaning she could fly! In this pic, she flies over the busy town of St. Morning. Too bad that guild notice got in the way.
Flying time!
Then it was time to meet up with Yume and Tate. We had a lot of fun with the "follow someone while flying" trick:
At one point, Kiki and Yume were set to follow each other, making the whole group fly round and round in nauseating spirals. It was actually pretty cool. At least, I thought so:
Picture time! Tate doesn't seem too interested, though.
At last he settled for the "Emo Bishie Sideview" angle:
Then we were joined by Calico!
Back in Flaris, Yume showed us that Assists really do grow on trees:
Then Yume, Tate, Calico, Ashey, and Kiki all met up in St. Morning for some massive Wagsaac carnage. Somehow Kiki ended up as the leader, but everyone started criticizing her leadership skills. ;_;
Honestly, guys. It's not my fault you can't walk in a line. :P (Lol just kidding, I love you all XD)
Finally, everyone got themselves sorted out.
And then we were off! Through the town....
Out the gates...
And across the wilderness!
During the planned Wagsaac carnage, Yume ran out of MP (of course, with four people to buff and heal), so we settled down for a picnic. Not sure where Tate went off to.
Remember Socrates17 from earlier? Well, he's back!
We let him in the party for awhile, but then everyone but Ashey had to go, so I switched to Calli's account.
I hate it when the game fuses people like that. XD
I was having a little trouble with my keyboard as well, in that I was pushing the wrong buttons to do things:
Ashey and Calli in action:
While Ashey had to step away for a moment, I decided to get some screencaps. She came back in the middle of it, but that meant I got some good shots of her, too:
Awww, how cute.
My plans to sell things overnight were interrupted by server maintenance!
The next day, while doing other things, Kiki found another cute thing:
She also got new hair! It turned out darker than it was supposed to be, though.
Many thanks to Yume for helping me afford it! <3
After I switched to Calli's account, these weird notices started popping up:
Invasion time!
Not only was there a Red Metonyker (whatever the heck that is) in the desert, there were also Cyclops things in Flaris!
As I explored the insanity, notices continued to pop up:
There were also crazy-looking dragon things!
It was then that Ashean showed up, and decided to run circles around Callisto, getting in the way of screencaps in the process:
Finally, she stopped, and I had a clear shot:
Red Meteonyker (or whatever was shouting those server-wide notices) showed its Aussie side:
Back in Flaris, people had started to gather in hopes of defeating the horrid-looking Cyclops things:
Ashean continued to be silly, even though there was an invasion going on:
A fierce conflict even broke out about National Anthems.
Silly Kiwis.
Then Yume signed on to see the insanity, but when we got to Flaris, all the monsters were gone! At least we could get a nice group shot, though.
This one with the moon in the background would have been awesome if it weren't for the random Vagrant who decided to just stand there in the middle of our group.
Then more people showed up, and Ashey, as usual, decided to clown around, including running circles around the other players (people we didn't even know! XD). I wonder what the other people thought.
Then Calli was joined by another new friend, Ehrea (Rea-chan)!
Calli copying Yume:
It started snowing!
Transys make me laugh:
It's the return of the random freaky glowy thing!
Then Rea and Calli were joined by Nemeara (Nem-chan!) and Yume to do some major damage to the Roika Peakyturtle population:
Then it was time to take Rea and teach her the sacred art of SPLASHY!
Rea, however, realized her goal of becoming an aerobics instructor:
Then it was time for a group shot. It was like taking pictures of a group of little kids. XD
Silly peoples. :P
Then it was time to kill once more (happy game, no?)
This shot amuses me. It looks like some kind of weird dance:
Then Yume and Calli FUSED into a strange two-headed being! O_O
And Rea showed off her psychotic side:
Meanwhile, Yume and Calli completed their fusion into one complete being:
And Calli commented on their hairstyles:
Yume and Calli: standing coolly and calmly in the very heat of battle:
Run, Calli! Wherever you're going.
Not long after that, some player was really rude to Yume, demanding buffs and then complaining when those buffs didn't meet her standards. A few minutes later, she came back and demanded more! I got mad, so I had Calli let her have it:
Not long after that, she died. Calli got a little too much satisfaction out of that, I think:
Calli also shows off her violent side. Too bad she missed.
Then it was time for another long train (only four people, this time):
Once we began fighting, Calli decided to show off by striking poses while healing:
And Nemeara showed that she, too, can be smart with people who get annoying:
Nem and Rea have it really easy. They both have Assist friends who are willing to follow them around with healing and buffs despite receiving little or no EXP. Luckies. Back in my day, we didn't have our own private Assists. :P
At one point, Nem was getting attacked by an Aggro monster that only I could see! This meant that Calli had to fight it off, eventually. Here's the screencap that proves I'm not crazy:
Now, before you see this screencap, let me make something perfectly clear: WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT ACTUAL LITTLE GIRLS. There are monsters in the game called Mias, who actually do look like little girls with red glowy eyes. Heather made a joke in one of her Flyff entries about murdering little girls because of this, and that's what I was alluding to in the following (kind of disturbing) screencap:
The others found it highly amusing.
We also talked about trees....
And had philosophical discussions about manliness.
After Nemeara signed off, a random Assist/Ringmaster came by and gave Rea and Yume super-awesome buffs (not me, though! Where's the love for poor Callisto?), so Rea decided she wanted to take on the "Big Momma Jomma" (aka the Giant Ferfern boss that was terrorizing the area), so we did. I was too preoccupied with healing to get shots of the battle, but since we emerged victoriously, I decided to take a special victory picture. Too bad a ferfern decided to get in on the shot too:
Then the ferfern left, but speech bubbles and guild notices kept popping up!
The victorious heroines:
Calli's violent tendencies are a bad influence on sweet lil Yume.
Case in point:
The next day, I decided to take a shot of Calli in her new Assist uniform. I think it looks like a clown suit.
Then it was off to destroy ferferns!
Calli decides to show us all that Assists really do PWN monsters, in a very awesome and epic way. Let's follow her, shall we?
As Heather called it, the Assist of Death!
She even rescues AFK players from aggro monsters:
Blinded by Nyangnyang hair!
The Nyangnyang tries to make a desperate escape, but Calli still manages to do damage somehow:
Death from above!
Her expression is awesome in this one. Too bad she missed:
But she won out in the end:
Then it was random screencap time!
Another day, another story! This time, Ashey and Calli are hunting pumpkins, but Calli has a problem with Ashey's battle-cry:
Run, Calli, run!
Miscellaneous Miscellany
I've seen a lot of interesting usernames and guild names while playing Flyff. Here are some examples:
Gandalf?!? The shop advertising "neckles" also amuses me.
The username and guild name are quite appropriate for one another, I think. The NPC speech bubble was an accidental catch, but I'm kind of glad I got it. I'm not really sure why she started saying that all of a sudden.
You'll only get this one if you've read Wheel of Time. The Dark One plays Flyff? And as a vagrant, no less! XD
Hehe, iClockworks.
I've seen a character named SexyAssist before, and now SmexyAssist. I wonder if they're the same person.
And here I was thinking they were a village....
Sparta, huh? And a guy on a cool hovering ship thing.
Those are some.... interesting.... names.
And some unique ones. *Sarcasm*
Shops: In Flyff, there is no Auction House like on WoW. Instead, users set up private shops and sell things that way. This can lead to some rather interesting names as people try to draw customers to their stores.
These would have been funny enough by themselves, but just the fact that they were right next to each other is totally awesome.
You don't say....
In honor of Heather's nickname for Kierra, I gave my own shop a unique name. That led to a great comment in the shop chat:
CBox Happenings: As usual, the CBox is a neverending source of entertainment for the observant Flyffer. Check out these examples:
To this day, I have no idea why that person was repeatedly saying "German" in the CBox.
Another advertising ploy. Kind of catchy, though.
People really like to flood the CBox with their advertisements. It gets annoying really quickly.
Both of those exchanges made me go "............."
Epic Wide Shot!
And now for a bonus pic: