
Jul 06, 2004 01:29

Ok, so like...this is an add on to the last post.  Erica and I were having a conversation about the last post.....

kfresh7: u know he took her virginity right?  She told Stern that.
kfresh7:  not only is it disgusting but its hilarious! he probably did that laugh, you know, the one like popeye when he "deflowered" her.
inking the: oh god
inking the: in popeye voice: WHOA! Akakakkakaka...
kfresh7: LMAO
inking the: at least it wasn't mr. woodchuck.
kfresh7: woodchuck:  is my dick made of.....wood?!
inking the: LOL!!!!
inking the: "my dick is hard as...*looks up, down, left, and right* WOOD?!
kfresh7: EEEEEEEEEEew
kfresh7: lol
inking the: and alanis would go "I DONT KNOW" and slime would fall from the ceiling!
kfresh7: LMAO
kfresh7: OMG
inking the: *wipes tears away*
kfresh7: i know im feelin ya there
kfresh7: (not really feeling)
kfresh7: but u know
inking the: i THOUGHT that was your hand!
kfresh7: LOL
kfresh7: this is going in the LJ

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