nothing much

Jan 09, 2008 18:55

I think perhaps I should not tutor this semester. Maybe I'll do it again next year when I have a car to drive. The class I tutor in goes from 12:50-1:45. I have to get on the 12:10 bus to get there and then sit around doing nothing in the classroom (or reading Bridge to Terabithia from the classroom library as I did for a few weeks last semester) for twenty minutes until the kids get in from recess. Afterwards, if I wanted to take the bus back to campus, I'd have to wait for about 20 minutes, because class conveniently gets out at the same time the bus comes, which means I just miss it and have to wait for the next one. Normally I just walk back- it's about a 40 minute walk to Jason's house for prayer, but this semester there's no prayer Mondays or Fridays, so it'd just be an hourish long walk back to campus. Or just walk along the bus route until the bus catches up with me... Or bike when it's not so slushy and gross- I think it's about a 15-20 minute bike ride.. Don't remember. But still- the transportation isn't convenient and thus tutoring takes a bigger chunk out of my day than it should. And some days when the teacher goes through a lot of notes and examples, I'll actually work with Damon for less than 5 minutes. Sometimes we'll get 20-30 minutes together, but a lot of the time, I just sit there while she goes through notes. It'd be a more efficient use of my time if we went out in the hall to work while the class did their thing, but then again, you don't want the kid to miss the new stuff being taught... But yeah- carving out 2.5+ hours of my day to work with a student for 5 minutes doesn't always seem worth it.
And if I didn't tutor, I could make it to the mid-day lap swim (11:30-1:20. I'm never there longer than an hour though), and then Monday and Friday could be my regular swim days instead of the middle of the week. As it is now, with prayer being 11-1 T/W/Th (though that might change), there is some definite conflict because those are my swimming days. Unless I want to go early early in the morning or in the evening, which I generally don't. And I think I've only gone on a weekend once with Kirsten. Entering weekend swims in on my schedule sadly doesn't make it any more likely that I'll actually do them.
And now that I'm working (got through all the official forms and stuff and a corny safety video today and I start more on-the-job training tomorrow. I'm kind of excited. I don't know how much I get paid.. I should figure that out. Hm.. side ramble at the end***) But anyways, now that I'm working, I don't really have any big mid-day breaks where I can take a nap or something like I did last semester. I like naps. And if it's nice out (after the snow melts), sometimes those breaks are good times to go bike to Pullman or something. That could be nice.
And- my Friday class (geology) is not gonna happen a lot. We won't have class the Fridays after assignments are assigned. I looked at the schedule and I'll seriously only have Friday class about half the time. It'd be cool to be able to have a leisurely day like that. Sleep in (because I still have to set an alarm to get up for my 10:30 class :-o), swim, and work. Hm, I hope I won't get bored on Fridays... I could work more on Friday and then less on Tuesday, since Tuesday's looking like a busy day.

I really do like tutoring. I like Damon- the kid I normally work with. He's fun. And it really is rewarding when I can watch him go from complete befuddlement to understanding. It makes me smile when he starts to get it and says "What!? This is SO EASY!!" So yeah, I like it, and I'll miss it, but I think it's for the best if I don't this semester...

There. I think I made a decision.

***side ramble
I don't really care how much $$ my job makes. I don't really need the money, I just need to work. I'm not struggling to pay for food or shelter- my scholarships/ parental Stephie Fund can cover everything I need/want. But I feel bad and lazy not working. And having to call my parents every time I need more money transferred. I'm excited to have my own money again that I can spend or save how I want (hopefully wisely) without wondering what my parents will say when they ask why I need more money already. Makes me feel more independent and responsible. And I'll get to be around (if not use/watch other people use) a machine that can liquify rocks!! Wow!
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