Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul. - John Muir
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I agree w/ the sentiment on WALDEN... I've read the first 10 pages like 10 different times trying to start the book, but I always get interrupted somehow. maybe on our way to Bethel...? HAAAAAAyeahright. I read his essay "Walking" the other day for a class and it was pretty good, and it made me feel like I was making up a little for not reading Walden.
uhhmm I get carsick when I read in cars, or maybe that's a lie from satan, but you can read it to me on the way :D ... yeah.
For Christmas, my AK natural resources outdoorsy sciency nature woman neighbor (and my boys) got me this beautiful hardcover annotated Walden with lots of room for notes and it just made me giddy. I'll have to show it to you sometime. I'd just been reading it from my beat up portable Thoreau that I got at a used bookstore. Which also has Walking in it.
Have you gotten to the part in Walden where he says that "the swiftist traveller is he that goes afoot"? That's one of my favorite parts so far. Maybe I'll make it a goal this summer to get through the whole thing.
And-- I reschuled my dr. appt today so I'm all clear for Bethel! And then the Tuesday after we get back I might be going to Seattle for my mom's graduation, and then get back in time on Wednesday for my geology lab at 1:30. Or just go to a Thursday lab instead. That could be a crazy week.
Comments 2
For Christmas, my AK natural resources outdoorsy sciency nature woman neighbor (and my boys) got me this beautiful hardcover annotated Walden with lots of room for notes and it just made me giddy. I'll have to show it to you sometime. I'd just been reading it from my beat up portable Thoreau that I got at a used bookstore. Which also has Walking in it.
Have you gotten to the part in Walden where he says that "the swiftist traveller is he that goes afoot"? That's one of my favorite parts so far. Maybe I'll make it a goal this summer to get through the whole thing.
And-- I reschuled my dr. appt today so I'm all clear for Bethel! And then the Tuesday after we get back I might be going to Seattle for my mom's graduation, and then get back in time on Wednesday for my geology lab at 1:30. Or just go to a Thursday lab instead. That could be a crazy week.
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