Feb 04, 2010 13:01
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- 12:50 @ moosimusmaximus No shit! O_O On an unrelated note, u should come down for Mardi Gras, Jon misses u! ;3 #
- 12:52 So if I "drive like a fucking moron" in the parking garage, driving NOT like a fucking moron = going 2 miles an hour, yes? #
- 12:53 Oh, passive-aggressive note writer, you will pay by experiencing the same unbearable
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Feb 02, 2010 13:03
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- 13:54 I feel like such a slob eating handfulls of cereal from the box... ah god but it's soooo much better without milk! #
- 18:06 @ SWAngie AHHH he's so cute! #
- 18:09 @ guy_gardnercg mmmm yes indeed. U know I'm partial to Cornpops though :P (I actually have a box in my bedroom right now, classy) #
- 18:14 Alright, who doesn't have plans for
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Feb 01, 2010 13:03
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- 17:52 Buddy and Bobby's Brawds parade was fantastic! Some guy had a Buddy D. tattoo and THAT'S when I broke down.. I love you NOLA #
- 18:09 @ jameson9101322 Heck yeah dude, I love Mardi Gras! If you ever want to come down one year you're welcome to stay with us! #
- 18:12 @ jameson9101322 Totally, let me know if you can! :D #
- 20:54 "Which
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Jan 30, 2010 13:03
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- 16:39 @ chaosrefugee Good call! Foxes>Raccoons indeed! So does that make me Pocahontas? Oh shit I'm gonna die of a foreign disease... o_o #
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Jan 29, 2010 13:04
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- 20:38 @ elleyzee lol, it totally means that... XD #
- 20:40 OMFSGDFGA I LOVE THIS MOVIE! RT @cinematical Shelf Life: Last Action Hero bit.ly/dq5Q9D #
- 11:20 @ SWAngie Dude, kudos, being smart in class is good! Maybe he should stop being such a Ron Weasley! :P #
- 11:31 @ guy_gardnercg I had weird dream 2: there was a baby fox outside our back
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Jan 28, 2010 13:06
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- 22:18 iPad? Is that what you wear when you're on the iRag? #
- 22:24 @ SWAngie Haha nice! Man I love iPuns :D #
- 22:24 @ robotalien X3 hehehehe #
- 10:19 @ guy_gardnercg I'll let u know if we're having a Super Bowl party, as of now no plans. Not sure for Mardi Gras but I wanna dress up dammit! #
- 10:20 Krewe du Vieux Saturday, anyone coming? (
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Jan 27, 2010 13:05
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- 09:06 @ moosimusmaximus Atashi mo :( I brought Nakama 1&2 home to my apt, maybe that'll entice me to read them >_< () #
- 10:29 I'm so ready for Mardi Gras & Super Bowl. WHO'S WITH ME!? XD What are y'all's plans? #
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Dec 24, 2009 13:00
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- 16:18 K-k-k-k-k yeaaaaah! #
- 11:34 Oh joy, rain! That's EXACTLY what I wanted for Christmas! /sarcasm #
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Dec 22, 2009 13:00
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- 15:18 The not-so-hot chocolate was disgusting >_< But there were freaking dinosaur lights so I was in heaven! :D Wtf is it foggy right now? #
- 15:58 @ chaosrefugee Actually no stegs, there was a T-Rex and some velociraptor-type ones tho! :D GAO!! #
- 09:50 "I'm Boney, I'm Boney, Leave me aloney!" omfg, just got my mind blown
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