They say time heals everything. Or something like that. I used to think it was a load of crap. I had put enough time behind me that things should have been healed, but they weren't.
Of course, it turns out I was just impatient. I finally took the time and ... well, I healed a lot of things. And I learned that time is a very funny thing.
It stops.
Or at least, that's what it feels like. It's almost like being so drunk, time goes in starts and stops. You're doing something, and the next instant, you're doing something completely different.
I was there. In the storm, I was there and I thought ... No, I knew I was going to die. And for once, it was okay with me. But somehow, at the same time, I knew I'd be okay. It's why I could tell Lee to let me go, why I could let go. And there was time, again, counting down against me.
And then ... it stopped. That's the only way I can think to describe it. It stopped, I stopped, everything stopped, and when I opened my eyes ... there it was.
Earth. Right there. And oh my Gods ... it's beautiful. And it seemed like I had all the time in the universe to just drift there, staring at it. I couldn't tell you how long I was there. Because at that point ... time just didn't matter. Not anymore. There was Earth and time could go frak itself.
But eventually I realized that everyone else didn't have the luxury of kicking time the curb. So I hauled ass. Don't even know how or where I was going, but somehow I made it.
Right in the nick of time. As usual.
Time for the clock to start ticking all over again.