Things I want to do before I die! :D

May 04, 2006 16:15

XD I like making this post, I've been working on my list with mage_of_sorrow on MSN! xDD
The ones crossed out I've already done by the way! ;D

Things I want to do before I die:

1) Run around in my underwear in public
2) Pull an alnighter for a WHOLE week
3) Drive a motorcycle
4) Jump into a pool with all my clothes
5) Go surfing
6) Go inside a pyramid and play TAG
7) Go see the Northern Lights
8) Do something illegal
9) Get lost in the biggest mall
10) Pilate an airplane
11) Go to the olympics
12) Sit on a cloud
13) Win the lottery
14) FLY!
15) Take a mud bath
16) Take a chocolate bath
17) Use a gun XDD
18) Find the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow
19) Run through New York in a bathrobe
20) Buy a pony
21) Swim with dolphins
22) Go on a road trip with friends
23) Ride a camal
24) Make out with someone on the top of a ferris wheel
25) Tell a taxi driver you love them (LOL)
26) Go to a gay bar
27) Go on a reality TV show
28) Go to an all you can eat buffet and stay there all day,eating everything you possibly can.
29) Find 'THE' person
30) Call a random person and leave a message saying your in love with them
31) Be a REAL stalker XDD
32) Ride an elephant
33) Find my own island! XDD (HAHA thanks Chris :D)
34) Find Chris and give him a random kitty cat (XDD That was RANDOM)
35) Dance the fox trot
36) Dance the waltz
37) Start dancing with some random person on the street
38) Sing on the school PA
40) Paint someone red =D (LMAO)
41) Make a bike
42) Make out in the washroom XDD
43) LEARN TO SWIM! (importanttt :D)
44) Meet some famous person XD
45) Play 'Nikki Nikki Nine Doors' on every floor of an apartment building
46) Go to a random house, kock on the door, and place a stink bomb there
47) Get tied up XD
48) Have a stuffed plushie that looks like me
49) Have something named after me
50) Be a hero
51) Go snowmobiling in a bathing suit
52) Fly to the moon
53) Swing on swings until I reach the pole on top
54) Sing kareoke to the world
55) Get married :P
56) Feel aligators
57) Glue springs to the bottom of my shoes
58) Stand in the middle of the road with friends
59) Swim in 'The Dead Sea'
60) Have childrenn (xDD;;)
61) Annoy some random person by following them around and talking about random things
62) Scream at the top of my lungs and then say 'I'm fine' and walk away
63) Meet all my friends on the internet (HAHA)
64) Go to Hawaii and learn to Hula
65) Go inside a washroom with friends and start making noises LMAO
66) Do 'Bloody Mary' until I get tired
67) Watch scary movies for 4 days straight
68) Go dirt biking
69) Travel around the world
70) See all the 7 wonders of the world
71) Meet Angiru and Himiko
72) Make 13X WORLDWIDE!
73) Go to japann
74) Ride a dirtbike up that hill (LOL it's near my house :D)
76) Become an author
77) Watch a real wrestling match
78) Watch a real hockey game (GOOD SEATS XD)
79) Ruin someone's life (someone I hate probably.. bwakakakaka)
80) MEET FAMOUS MANGAKAS! (including yaoi ones, of course XD)
81) Make lots of people happy
82) Get people to help change animal cruelty
83) Visit those poor countries and play with the kids there
84) Put an end to child abuse
85) Be a guy for 1 day
86) Find out what happens when we die
87) Publish at least 2 books!
88) Shock someone with a stun gun!
89) Have a stranger ask to have his babies (LMAO! Haha Chrisss)

I'll be adding soon! And if you have any ideas.. then just comment here! ;D *it's public anyways xD*
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