Title: One kiss
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Yoosu
Length: Drabble
Rating: G
Summary: Yoochun definitely has weird idea sometimes
“Come on Su, it's just a kiss” Yoochun pleaded with puppy eyes
Junsu looked away, knowing he couldn't resist him otherwise.
“I don't want to Chunnie...” the younger replied turning his back to Yoochun
He froze when he felt strong arms around his waist, pulling him backward. Hot air hit his neck, making him shiver.
“Just one, please” he whispered against his ear
It took all of his willpower to calm his heartbeat and he unwillingly pulled out from the hug. Junsu always had weakness for his hyung, but he never wanted to admit it. He looked back at the pouting Yoochun behind him. He crossed his arms and let out a sigh.
“Why do you want to kiss me anyway?” Junsu asked trying to hide his embarrassment
“Because I want to try it” he said “You know, they say that it's normal for young man to experience this kind of thing. It doesn't mean you'll turn gay after it”
Yoochun grabbed his shoulders and twisted him back in front of him. His hand went up the boy's cheek caressing it tenderly. Junsu tensed up at the touch, but he soon relaxed at the encouraging word Yoochun was murmuring.
“Alright...Just do it already...” Junsu finally mumbled, his face turning even more red than before
Yoochun smiled widely and slowly started leaning forward. Junsu could only close his eyes tightly as his heart started thumping faster. The gap between them got smaller until they were only a centimetre away. Then, their lips met. The soft feeling spread trough their body like electricity. Yoochun moved his lips against Junsu's. It took a second to the young boy to get his thoughts straight before he started kissing back. The kiss was short, but passionate. They pulled back few moments later.
“So..” Yoochun started “It wasn't that bad, right?”
Junsu glared at him, more embarrassed than before.
“Yeah it was...good...” he said looking away
“Great, then you won't mind one more?” Yoochun asked
He looked at the younger man with hope in his eyes. Junsu ignored him. He turned away, heading back to his room. Yoochun sighed in defeat, but then a voice came from the boy's bedroom:
“I'll think about it!”
The door closed and Yoochun smiled, his heart filled with an unknown feeling. He knew that he would soon get used to it.
Hope you guys liked it! <3
Oh and I changed my layout~ Do you guys like it?? hehe
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