It's time for another round of room exploring with Noatak and Lu Ten!
Lu Ten is taking the lead this time, half humming, half singing a few snatches of songs under his breath. He can't remember more than a few lines of each of them, so in the end it's just a jumble of random folk songs, popular tunes, and snippets of a few picture shows.
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Comments 61
Noatak. He's-
He's kissing back.
It's not quite the last thing he expected, but it's pretty close. Silently he thanks the spirits, clutching Noatak's hand in his, tight against his chest - not that he needs any help feeling Lu Ten's heartbeat--
He kisses him, tastes him, just like and making up for all the times he'd wanted to, so often, so many missed chances over the years...
He's afraid to open his eyes, just a little, in case this moment ends.
Their hearts are beating together. Even without his bending, he can tell.
Finally, Noatak draws away, still close enough that Lu Ten's breath is puffing against his chin. Resting his forehead against Lu Ten's--his senses are dulled by the scarring, and he regrets ever putting on that damned makeup--he simply breathes with him.
"Lu Ten," he murmurs. "Lieutenant."
It's all he can think of to say.
Please be okay with this, he wants to say.
Please don't betray me again.
With a rub of his thumb on Lu Ten's neck, he moves his hand to Lu Ten's side and he leans back slightly in his chair. And when he looks up at Lu Ten, he should recognize the familiar intensity in Amon's eyes, the hint of command in his voice. "What else did you fantasize about, Lieutenant?"
His hands slide into Amon's opened tunic, creeping over the knit black fabric of the shirt beneath. "Maybe we'd be blowing off steam after a rally, rutting the tension from our bodies. And-" Turning his face slightly, he looks Noatak right in the eyes, because he wants to know something, wants to know where he stands--
"Maybe it'd be tender and loving, an expression of how much we trust and care for each other.
"So." His gaze is intense, questioning. "What's your poison, Noatak?"
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