Tutorial #2; Starring D.N Angel's Daisuke

Aug 30, 2006 21:00

I bring another icon! :0
Because I got really bored during the day, and I had finished all my homework. I've a feeling this is the only free time I'll get in quite awhile, so...

We're going from


Once again, using Photoshop 7. Should be easily translated.

Take the base and copy/paste it.


Take this gradient: (Made by Foxxiechan on DA; I forgot her LJ screename..)

Set it to Color Burn @ 100%.

That's how it should look, currently.


Take this texture: (Made by ?)

Set it to Soft Light @ 100%.

Now it looks like this:


Take this gradient: (Made by fadedinblood)

Set it to Soft Light @ 100%.

This is how it looks now:


Duplicate the base. Bring it to the top. Set it to Overlay @ 50%.

Your current result:


Take this texture: (Made by fading_icons)

Set to Hard Light @ 30%.

This is how it should look:


Take this texture/border: (Made by discordandnight)

Set to Screen @ 100%.

Since it looks like a lot of things are interfering with the picture because of that texture/border, I erased the small white lines that were covering his face.

Mine looks like this right now:


Take this texture/border: (Again, made by discordandnight)

Set to Screen @ 100%.

Almost there! After that, your icon should look somewhat similar to this now:


Add some text on now! :3 Since text is pretty self explanitory, I'll just explain what I did.

First, I added some text in the white part, on the bottom. I used "#C193C3" as the font color.(It looks like THIS.)
"DRAWN TO YOU" in "Garamond", size... 9, I think.
Then I rasterized that layer, and added, in the same color, "like a moth to a flame" under "DRAWN TO YOU", in the font "Edwardian Script ITC", size 8, I think. I don't remember the sizes too much, so I apologize for that, you'll have to play around a bit. ^^; Rasterize that layer when you're done. Add some tiny text to the bottom, for a neat touch.


I thought about putting this along with step 9, but decided not to, because I was afraid that step would appear too "large".

Anyway. Select a cursive/elegant font; I used "Anglo Text", and I typed "&" in size 40. Same color as before. (#C193C3)
I moved that to the left of the icon, and the text next to the "&".
(Anglo text can be downloaded at DaFont. You can also use a default, such as Old English, the results are quite similar.)


To make the "&" stand out more, I decided to use "stroke".
Right-click the "&" layer, and then click on "Blending options". At the bottom of the list, check "stroke".
Set the stroke size to "2".
Click on the color box, and change the color to white. (#FFFFFF)
(See this screenshot if you want to reconfirm what you're doing.)
Click "Ok".


And you're done! :0
Your icon should look similar to

I'd love to see your results! :D

Please remember: After the first trial, you should tinker around with different gradients and textures to ensure that you're forming your own method of making an icon! It makes your icon more "you", if you understand. ^^

Any questions, feel free to ask! ♥
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