SGA Rewatch 2011 (post 2)

May 21, 2011 17:57

My Stargate Atlantis rewatch is still going really well. Unfortunately life has been busy, so I haven't watched as much as I'd like; since my last post, I've watched from Poisoning the Well to The Defiant One.

Here are some more of my favourite moments (continued from this post here):

11. I love the moment in Poisoning The Well, where we first saw John give a name to one of the Wraith (is 'Wraith' the correct plural for Wraith? Wraiths? Wraithi?).

Sheppard: Sorry if I woke you. Just came by to see if there was anything you needed - magazines, fresh towels.
Wraith: You hide your fear poorly, Major.
Sheppard: You know, we've been having these conversations for a couple of weeks now, and I don't even know your name. You guys do have names, right? Let me guess - Steve?
Wraith: I am your death. That is all you need to know.
Sheppard: I prefer Steve.

12. I love the geeky interaction between Zelenka and McKay in The Storm, where they're going back and forth, trying to solve the problem.

13. I love the Superman quote:

Sheppard: McKay will come up with something.
McKay: I will try, but despite what you all may think, I am not Superman.
(Silence. Ford starts to smile.)
Sheppard: Was anyone seriously thinking that?
(Weir and Teyla give McKay weird looks. A scientist shakes his head.)
Ford: No, sir.
Zelenka: Never.
McKay: Fine.

(McKay will always be Superman to me!)

14. I love the strange look that McKay gave to Sheppard when he made the "Like dinosaurs turning into birds theoretically or theory of relativity theoretically?" comment. I also love their interaction about the distance of the grounding stations to the transporters:

McKay: Uh, it's a brisk walk away.
Sheppard: And by "brisk" you mean "far."
McKay: By "walk" I mean "run."
Sheppard: Okay.

15. I love everything about The Defiant One. I think I've mentioned before that the episode should be renamed The McKay and Sheppard Show. There were so many fantastic moments!

First, we need to take a moment to appreciate their hotness during that episode:

Hmmm... maybe not the best example of it, but it's the only one I have uploaded. Just trust me. They're hot.

Second, there's the whole conversation about Sheppard teaching McKay to drive. It's one of those "fan fiction is canon" moments for me, and I loved and adored it.

Sheppard: Don't let go of the controls!
McKay: Snapping doesn't help!
Sheppard: This is why parents get someone else to teach their kids how to drive.
McKay: I'm both insulted and touched by that.

"Try to fly the baby in a straight line.

Third, there's the scene where the two tried to convince Mum Weir to let them explore the planet. They're like big kids, and I LOVE that about them.

And finally, there's the fact that (again) McKay showed his heroic side. He really did want to get out there and help Sheppard. I just... LOVE that episode.

In other news, it's 5:57pm on the 21st of May 2011. So, if you believe the whole "Rapture" thing, I have another 3 minutes left, which would really suck, because I'm planning to have yummy Thai food tonight, then I'm going to see Source Code, and I've only just started my SGA rewatch!

EDIT: Now 6:01pm. I'm still here. Of course, it's still possible that all of the good Christians have been beamed up to Heaven... just as long as the Chef at the Thai Orchid, and the dude at the cinema are still here, I'll be happy!
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