P.S. Leslie also tells me that you are working on an AC2 courtesan costume. I highly recommend this. And it will make me feel incredibly motivated to work on my own courtesan dress so that it might possibly be ready in time for AX...
DONE. I'm working on a red one. I'm also making Matt a Leonardo da Vinci costume, it's gonna look amazing. I'm having trouble with my boobage area, stupid chest.
I am turning my old prom dress (bodice with poofy skirt) into a courtesan dress and hopefully I won't regret it. It is currently a purple monstronsity that might change color should I go ahead and decide to cover it with something with less/no pattern.
But yes, there will be fangirling. Because Leonardo is my favorite character and since I don't know your friend Matt too well I will try to behave, just a little. But I imagine this will last all of ... five two minutes.
Courtesan costume has just officially taken priority over Rosa. >:]
As for the chest problem, it's not so much a problem unless you want guys staring down your dress the whole time. And it means trying to avoid tall guys... as I discovered when I wore Beast. But if it bothers you, tape. Or possibly a strapless push up. There might be makeup tips to also help you create the illusion of cleavage. There are options. :) I'm sure if you check forums there will be tips.
Comments 6
Due to his resemblance to the character.
But yes, there will be fangirling. Because Leonardo is my favorite character and since I don't know your friend Matt too well I will try to behave, just a little. But I imagine this will last all of ... five two minutes.
Courtesan costume has just officially taken priority over Rosa. >:]
As for the chest problem, it's not so much a problem unless you want guys staring down your dress the whole time. And it means trying to avoid tall guys... as I discovered when I wore Beast. But if it bothers you, tape. Or possibly a strapless push up. There might be makeup tips to also help you create the illusion of cleavage. There are options. :) I'm sure if you check forums there will be tips.
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