(no subject)

Mar 05, 2004 19:20

What time is it: 8:46 PM
What is the date: 2/2/04

*~*~Info about you~*~*
Full Name: Kristen Anne Buroojy
Age: 13
Sex: Female
Birthday: March 22, 1990
Where do you live: Pennsauken, NJ
Where else have you lived: no where
What state: New Jersey
What subdivision: Camden County (?)
Zodiac Sign: Aries
What school do you go to: PMS
What is your mascot: Indian (?)
What are your school colors: red and blue i think
What year are you: 2008
Nicknames: kiRby, Kabs, Kris
Do you have anyother screen names: tons
What are they: not listing them
Where were you born: vorhees
What hospital: vorhees memorial
What are your hobbies: guitar, aim, writing songs, hanging at carols
Are you religious: no no
What religion are you: i dont know..
Hair color: brown with a little red in the summer
Ever died your hair: nope
What color: -----
Hair length: ummm..i cant explain that
Eye color: brown
Height: 5'3.5''
Weight: no clue
Have any pets: Dogs, Boxers
Whats their names: Cookie-dough, Dakoda
Siblings: Brother
Names and age: Dan, 16
What do you fear most in the world: dying alone
What do you regret the most: never regret anything. except for everytime ive hurt my brother
If you could do anything without consequences, what would it be: ?
Do you have braces: no
Do you have glasses: no
Are you good at school: lol no
Shoe size: 7 1/2

Car: lexus sc 430
Color car: black
Color: black
Teacher: mrs.robboy
Class: lang arts
Day of the week and why: friday..cause..its friday
Holiday: christmas
Season: spring
Month: march
Fruit: strawberries
Veggie: i dont know
Sport: motocross
Sports team: metal mulisha?
Male Athlete: ronnie renner
Female Athlete: -----
Movie: donnie darko
Actress: ------
Actor: Scott Clifton
T.V. show: General Hospital
Web site: lj
Food: crab
Drink: wawa ice tea
Band: not sure.
Male singer: ..ur grandpop
Female singer: umm..ur mom
Animal: dog
Store: wawa
Video rental store: its cool as long as it has super troopers
E-mail buddy: what the ?
Joke: where does george keep his armies? IN HIS SLEEVIES!!!! hahahahaahhahahahahahhahahaahahah!!!!!!
Saying: thanks
Word: thanks
Brand of shoes: etnies
Radio station: cds
Room in your house: mine
Concert you have been to: chilli peppers
CD: joe jackson
Salad: i didnt know there was more than one kind
Meat: as long as its not pig butt im cool
Pizza Topping: i dont
State: south jersey
City: sea isle
Lake: never been
Ocean: sea isle
Place to be: down the shore..or at wawa
Smell: him
Sound: music
Taste: food.
Feeling: happiness. hyperness. loved.
Letter: K
Number: 3,5, 17, 37
Book: drowning anna..maybe
Vacation spot: sea isle
Grandma: only got one and she rules
Grandpa: only got one and hes hilarious
Cereal: not a big cereal person.
Ice cream flavor: chocolate chip cookie dough
Video game: none
Cookie flavor: what the hell is a cookie flavor?
Flower: black rose

*~*~Not so favorite~*~* ...such a stupid category.
Car: any ugly one
Color: bright colors
Teacher: rosenjew
Class: social studies
Day of the week and why: monday, up early after not sleeping at all
Holiday: halloween...scared of costumes.
Season: winter..too cold
Month: may..its just boring.
Sport: baseball
Sports team: baseball teams
Male Athlete: reggie miller, sam cassel..so many
Female Athlete: not sure
Movie: that one i saw with coll that one time.
Actress: idk
Actor: idk
T.V. show: anything stupid
Web site: anything really really stupid.
Food: ?
Drink: ?
Band: gc
Male singer: ...
Female singer: ...
Animal: ...
Store: ...
Video rental store: whys it matter?
E-mail buddy: uhhh
Joke: every joke is funny for me lolol
Saying: not sure
Word: not sureeee
Brand of shoes: gangster shoes
Radio station: gangstAAA
Room in your house: not sure
Concert you have been to: i wouldnt have gone..if i didnt like it..
CD: first britney CD
President: fuck presidents
Salad: uhh
Meat: uhh
Pizza Topping: mushrooms
State: anyone who doesnt have a wawa...minus arizona cause they have cool green Mcdonalds
City: idk
Lake: idk
Ocean: idk
Place to be: alone
Smell: throw up
Sound: turkey call
Taste: anything that doesnt taste good
Feeling: lonliness
Letter: Z
Number: 1234896123489613097
Book: idk
Vacation spot: idk
Grandma: only got 1
Grandpa: only got 1
Cereal: not a cereal person

*~*~What do you think of when you hear this~*~*
Banana: HANNA!!!
Bill: down the shore
Britney: slutttt
Lamb: chop
Bubba: sparks
Victoria: secret
Dildo: wars
Ass: fuck
Shadow: umm
Beep Beep: yayy text message!
Moo: hahahaha steph
Bambi: tears

*~*~Your friends~*~*
Friends: too many to list
Best friend: carol, coll
Spend most time with: carol
Best house: nick petrilli
Funniest: megan
Smartest: megan..no common sense tohugh
Hottest: Kelly Roc
Strongest: petrilli
Most athletic: not sure
Knows you the best: colleen
Most outgoing: colleen
Most shy: danielle
Always negative: me
Which one let the dogs out: whoop whoop
Most trustworthy: colleen, kelly
Most fun to be with: colleen, carol
Biggest flirt: me probably..
Best dressed: not sure...alyssa id say
Best eyes: color
Most depressed: me
One to gossip with: i dont gossip...
Sweetest: coll
Most annoying: britt..no offense
Who follows you: no one..lol
Who do you follow: him
Who do you pretend to like but cant stand: deanna..lol
Do you make friends easily: sort of
Are you intimidated by any of your friends: yes
If u were stranded on a desert island then who, out of your friends, would u want to be there with u: the people i hang with at carols
Who do u think would help u the most if u were in trouble: him
Who do u think would risk their life to save yours: colleen, carol, him, idk
Who is the most popular: dont know...shannz i guess
Who is the most unpopular: no clue
Who do u want to go to college with: coll
Who do u wish could be part of your family: coll!!!!!
Who is the biggest junk food junkie: me lol
Who would do anything for 1 million bucks: not really
Who do u think has the nicest siblings: carol, coll, george
Who do u think has the nicest mom: carol
Who do u think has the nicest dad: umm, idk
Who do you have the most inside jokes with: colleen DEFINATLY
*~*~This or That~*~*
Sox or Cubs: NEITHER
Breakfast or Dinner: breakfast
Day or Night: night
Radio or Cd's: cds
Internet or Phone: internet while on the phone
N'sync or BSB: hahahahh
98 degrees or O town: ahahahahaha
Happy or sad: happy..but always sad
Guy or girl: guy
Sexy or Cute: sexy
Tuff or wimpy: tuff
Strong or weak: strong
Funny or hilarious: hilarious
Summer or winter: summer
Love or lust: love...
Friends or family: friends
Car or truck: car
Dog or cat: dog
Give or receive: give and receive
Sex or no sex: SEX!! hahahah :-)
Walk or run: walk
Inside or outside: inside unless down the shore
Up or down: up
In or out: out
Back or front: front
Hurricane or Tornado: hurricane
Thunder or lightning: lightning
Rain or snow: rain
Hail or sleet: hail
Sunny or cloudy: sunny
Loud or quiet: loud
Hard or soft: hard
Mcdonalds or Burger king: burger king
Hardee's or Arby's: neither
Rebel or goodie goodie: rebel
Coffee or tea: wawa
Coke or pepsi: wawa
Mr. Pibb or Dr. Pepper: wawa
White chocolate or normal chocolate: normal
Britney or Christina: christina
Black or white: black
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
Diary or journal: journal
Writing or typing: typing
Cold or hot: hot
Pen or pencil: lead pencil
Candle or insence: candle
Plain paper or lined paper: lined
Blonde or brunette: brunette
Curly or straight: curly cause MEEE..but its madddd annoying!!
Blanket or sleeping bag: blanket
Shower or bath: shower
Body wash or soap: body wash
Purfume or Body spray: body spray
Wal-mart or target: target
American Eagle or Abercrombie: neither
Hamburgers or hotdogs: ewwww pigs butt!!
Great america or Universal studios: universal
Pochahontas or Mulan: pochahontas
Swimmer's ear or ear infection: ear infectoin
Pop tart or toaster strudels: pop tart
Chicken or turkey: chicken
MTV or VH1: vh1 for music, mtv for shows
Shorts or pants: pants..
Tank tops or t-shirts: t shirts
Mandy moore or Jessica simpson: jessica simpson
Spanish or German: german.
Rich and dumb or Poor and smart: rich and dumb...lol
Markers or colored pencils: colored pencils
Boxers or briefs: boxers.
Nike or Adidas: nike
Mercedes or BMW: mercedes
Army or Navy: army
Orange or grape: orange
Lime or lemon: lemon!
Striped or plaid: plaid
Innie or outie: innie
Hot tub or sauna: hot tub
Land or water: land
Sneeze or cough: cough
Skittles or M&M's: skittles!!
Truth or dare: truth
East or west: east
North or south: SOUTH!!
Letterman or leno: leno
SNL or mad tv: SNL
Drummers or guitar players: guitar..go me!

*~*~Which way would you spell it~*~*
Megan or Meghan: megan
Lacey or Lacy: lacy
Steven or Stephen: stephan
Kurt or Curt: kurt
Mark or Marc: marc
Brandi or Brandy: brandi
Eric or Erik: eric
Corrine or Carine: carine
Kari or Carrie: carrie
Jackie or Jackqui: jackie
Deseray or Desirae: desirea
Ashley or Ashleigh: ashley
Their or there: there
Two, too, or to: two
Here or hear: here

*~*~Love life~*~*
Do you have a crush: mmmhmmm
Whats his or her name: him
How old are they: no comment
How long have you liked him or her: a while
If you could kiss anyone in the world, who would it be: umm... ronnie renner probably
If you could date anyone in the world, who would it be: motocross guy
What is the biggest turn off: not leaving me alone when im in a bad mood
What is the biggest turn on: being funny..being a good person to cry to
Do you prefer being the dumper or the dumpee: dumpee..then you can blame it on someone
Do you think there is a person for everyone: yes..i do. even me now..
If yes, do you know who yours is: maybe..
Where is the best place to be kissed: neck
Where is the most romantic place to take a date:
Do you believe in love at first sight: no
Have you ever been in love: somewhat
What do you think love is: knowing that you could be with someone for the rest of your life, and wanting to
Do you have a b/f or g/f: no
Do you want one: yes
How long have you been together: uhh
What do you like about your crush or b/f, g/f: smile mostly
When was your first kiss: no comment

First grade teacher's name: ms.renniger
Last word you said: again
Last song you sang: "i feel pretty, oh so pretty"
Last meal you ate: dinner
Favorite childhood cartoon: umm..im not sure
What did you hate most about skool: loud people
Last person you flipped off: guy from wrestling
Last song stuck in your head: "i feel pretty oh so pretty"
What line/verse: just said it ^
Last time you were burned: carols house i think
How: no comment
Last time you bled: 2 nights ago..
Favorite game show as a child: not sure

What's in your CD player: no doubt greatest hits, the new dashboard, and an old depressing mix
What color sox are you wearing: white with purple on the toes
What's under your bed: pencils, guitar book
What's the weather like: its dark, cold, wet
What is on your wall calender (i.e. Curious George, Magnetic Poetry): mostly iverson stuff..
What time did you wake up today: 7:02
Did you think it was earlier, later, or on time: later

Who do you want to marry: him
Are you going to college: yesmm
If so, how long do you want to go: how ever long i feel like it, bitch
Where do you want to go: not sure
What is your career going to be: no clue..i want to take pictures
Where are you going to live: not sure..arizona or around here
How many kids do you want: 2 or 3
Kids names girls: nicole, emily
Kids names boys: travis, brian, ronnie, DUSTIN
Where do you want your honeymoon: not sure
What kind of car will you have: lexus sc 430 - black
What kind of house will you have: idk

*~*~Have you ever~*~*
Smoked: accually..
Been Drunk: yes
Been high: no
Done drugs: no
Had sex: nopes
Skinny dipped: noppers
Partied until the sun came up: haha yes yes
Stole: mmmhmm
Stayed up all night on the internet: who hasnt?
Met someone off the internet (in person): i dont think so
Cried over a guy/girl: all the time
Been in a fist fight: yes
Been in a cat fight: yes
Wanted to kill someone: all the time
Fell off a chair: haha...all the time!!
Kissed the same sex: yeah..but not like a tounge or anything
Had feelings for the same sex: nope..not more than love like a sister
Lap danced: nope

Do you belive in the horoscopes: yes accually
Do you like your handwriting: mm..sometimes
If you could be anybody, who would you be and why: probably Emily, she always finds a way to be happy
What superhero would you be: poison ivy
Do you have any piercings: ears..i want tonssss
Any tattoos: wait till im 16, baby
If so where: ---
If not, where and what do you want: i want these stars going aross and up my hip down to the other side..ill post a picture some other time
Are you picky: mmhmm
What makes you cry: everything..lol
What makes you mad: everything..lol :-)
What do you think of Eminem: hes..ew
Who do you admire: emmy
Do you like cartoons: yeah
Do you believe in heaven: no
Do you believe in God: no
Do you think there is a hell: no
Do you believe in the devil: no
What is the one place you have to visit before you die: wawa
What did you do today: school, wrestling, eat, homework, this
Where do you work: umm..no comment
Do you even have a job you lazy bum: haha nono
Are your 'rents lame: yeah
Do you own a miniskirt: yeahh!!
Do you floss: i try to 3 times a day, lol
What is the farthest your have traveled: arizona
What kind of shampoo do you use: what ever the hell i feel like using
What about conditioner: see above answer
Do you use big words to sound smart: lol, even if i dont know what they mean
When you get mad, do you swear a lot: lol yes
Got milk: uhh..thanks
Do you have a magic 8 ball: down the shore i do
Name something that comes in threes: allen iverson
Ever worn black nail polish: yes yes
Do you have hairy arms: not really
How many sheets are on your bed: one
Whats under your bed: i already answered that
Do you have your own tv and vcr: dvd bitch
Do you believe in fate: sort of
Do you see dead people: all the time
Are you a good speller: lol, not really
What is your lucky charm: him
Why do you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway: because this is south jersey
Do you like little kids: depends...zoe rocks
Are you talented: lol not really
If so, how: guitar is decent, violin
Ever hugged a tree: hell yes!! come on, who hasnt?
Do you watch the weather channel while getting ready in your hotel room on vacation: no
Do you ever steal anything from hotels: everytime im at one
Ever seen a ghost: of course..you already asked me if i saw dead people.
How about an alien: no..on tv...but no
Do you beleive in either of them: accuallly...yes

Did you waste any time doing this: lol...tons
Did you like this survey: it rules
Were you bored: nope
Did you skip any questions: umm..the ones i didnt know
If so, fix them! no thanks
Write another question: umm..thanks?
What time is it: 7:19pm, 2nd day
Say something nice about the person who sent this to you: she is the bestest person in the whole wide world. haha, thats ME!
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