101 in 1001

Oct 01, 2009 10:38

Hello all,

It's been a while since I last wrote but I am feeling inspired by the 101 in 1001 that a few people I know are doing. So, in the spirit of "Why not", here is my list:

1. Consume no high fructose corn syrup pop for one month
2. Watch one TED lecture a month
3. Gain 3 belt levels in a martial art
4. Regain flexibility I had in my youth (full splits both ways)
5. Go swimming every morning for a month
6. Have fresh flowers in the house every month
7. Buy a house
8. Meditate every day for a month
9. Complete NaNoWriMo
10. Do a monthly assessment of finances
11. Follow up on commitments
12. Transplant garden herbs into kitchen
13. Bring lunch every day for a month
14. Unclutter the house each spring/fall
15. Reach and maintain my ideal weight
16. Take more pictures
17. Date
18. Read the remaining books on the UK top book list
19. Create a painting in acrylics
20. Finish all the exercises in ‘Drawing with the Right Side of the Brain’
21. Go hiking every fall
22. Go camping at least once a year
23. Earn the intermediate actor-combatant status with FDC
24. Take a dance class
25. Write a letter to Malcolm Gladwell, Michael Pollan and Neil Patrick Harris (just ‘cus)
26. Keep a volunteer list
27. Finish the LSAT book of puzzles
28. Join a hot yoga class
29. Go snowboarding
30. Create an online professional profile
31. Investigate professional reading
32. learn to play squash and/or golf
33. update my blog daily weekly
34. work on stain glass
35. refinish wooden table and chairs
36. write a long letter to my grandmother
37. ask for and get a raise
38. go to the gym every day for a month
39. travel to a country I’ve never been to
40. hike part of the Appalachian trail
41. climb a mountain
42. do PMI certification
43. become a vegetarian for a month
44. learn how to make preserves/can vegetables
45. become competent on the piano
46. compose three songs
47. learn how to ride a horse
48. find somewhere to learn ninja skills
49. make my bed every day get a yearly physical
50. be physically able to do 25 real (not girl) pushups & chinups
51. go rockclimbing
52. go to Burning Man
53. start an independent business
54. go tree wishing
55. read the original Taoist writings
56. find a mentor
57. be a mentor
58. buy a cordless drill and use it often
59. go to the dentist every 6 months
60. get my fortune told
61. learn how a motor works
62. learn how to change my own oil
63. send birthday and Christmas cards (on time)
64. return my library books on time for the entire 1001 days
65. go car free for a week
66. set up power of attorney
67. donate blood (10 times)
68. submit a short story to a contest
69. paint a canvas
70. put a loonie in a jar for 1001 days
71. make my own wine
72. plant 5 guerilla gardens
73. become fluent in French
74. build a greenhouse
75. do 10 acts of random kindness
76. walk three days a week or more, for at least half an hour, rain or shine
77. try a formal fast/detox
78. write my family postcards whenever I travel
79. get up at 6:30am every day for a month
80. drink one cup of green tea a day for a month
81. complete one crossword a week for a month x3
82. use all of my benefits each year
83. make my bed everyday
84. take an acting class
85. go on an eco-tour/ziplining
86. love my job
87. phone my parents once a week
88. phone my brother at least once a month
89. get 100% in a course
90. take accounting course
91. see Wicked with the original cast
92. own nothing I don’t love
93. 101 volunteer hours
94. use sunscreen daily
95. gain a basic understanding of history (timeline)
96. climb a tree
97. attend an estate sale
98. find a family doctor
99. Keep a list of all the books I read for 1 year
100. Propagate 10 different perennials using cuttings
101. write a new goal list

Beginning today, I am working on number 1, 33, 70, 83 and 94. I am amazed at how difficult number 1 is (consume no high fructose corn syrup for 30 days, for those who don't want to go into the full list). I came in today to donuts at 9pm, pizza for the mandatory lunch meeting at 12pm, chocolate chip cookies at 1:30pm, and just received notice that there is apple pie in the hub right now. No wonder our building has a gym in it...


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