Here we go again - another bulk update.

May 14, 2013 13:32

*Waves* Hi there. Still doing life things, and all is reasonably good.
Wait, you wanted more than that? Fine. Dig in below. :)

Pentatonix concert was amazing though would have been better if alittleblue had been able to join. Hella talented kids. Their evolution of music video is pretty great: Also the slow fade from black and white to color in the 60s section was a nice touch.
Red Dress was achieved! Fun was had, but then again it's a night of music, dancing, touching base with people I only see once a year at Red Dress but still consider friends, and letting loose. How can that *not* be fun?? I was also perhaps the most sparkly belle of the ball. Here, take a look.

In future costuming plans - I'm gathering ideas for a 60s era Catwoman costume to accompany Totoro!Batman at DragonCon. Also have dates booked to work on learning how to do facial prosthetics for the Gentleman from Buffy. Time is ticking away!

Media and Writing:
Iron Man 3 has been seen 3 times (my love of Tony Stark knows very few bounds. LOVE!), with Star Trek lined up for this Friday. Vampire Diaries… I can’t say much else for spoilery reasons, but *clings* and pleeeaaasse.
Also, when is S.H.E.I.L.D.? They say soon, BUT WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??? Let’s hope Fall.
Oh! Edit! MOAR Trailer:
Full Trailer

In fic news I am swimming in Phil/Coulson fic right now. Prior to that I had finished such a perfect Teen Wolf story (It likely wasn't actually perfect, but it felt that way) that I didn't want to read anything else and leave that universe behind. Not sure what's next but I am HOPING for TVD fic. Oh yes I am...

To all my writer types (or those who know writer types), this is a great article - useful, funny, memorable. ‘25 Things You Should Know About Outlining’ An example: "Writing a story can feel like an overturned box of ferrets running this way and that, and there you are, trying to wrangle them up while also simultaneously juggling bitey piranha". It's good stuff.
25 Things You Should Know About Outlining

I went to a horse show! This was my first show with the new mare I'm 1/2 leasing, Raz. She was a rockstar, if a little amped about the strange environment. When it came time to perform, she got focused and went to work. I can't wait to see where we go next. Here, have a video.
Me and Raz Training Test 2

We entered Training Test 1 and 2 seeing how she is just now coming back from 3years of retirement, I'd only been riding her for 4 mths, and we'd only brought her canter into work 2 weeks prior. Now, a mere one month later, we are already so much stronger and more balanced. We're getting her stretch more confirmed, and we're working on stride length adaptability. So much fun!!!

Family and Friends:
There was also a really fun night out for alittleblue's birthday that included 80s themed dancing. The early hours were odd in that I felt really young compared to the crowd, but later the placed filled up with younger folks. An amusing highlight: Some douche reported me to security when his attempt to place himself in my personal space resulted in him literally hitting a solid wall of "No". Funny how things shifted after the security guy spoke to me (polite, sober, and cooperative) and then turned back to the accuser (drunk, shouting, flinging his arms around in escalating impotent anger) who was appalled!!! that I wasn’t getting thrown out for having "pushed" him. Ahem.
None the less, fun time dancing with Blue and friends.

Since I last posted, the parents have visited, and are about to visit again. This is good in that I always get so much done when they are here, but also panic inducing as I feel I need to get more things done before they arrive to prove I don’t just sit on my butt between visits. Time to make up project lists. Motivate!

And that’s all I can think up right now.
Oooff. Big update.

costumes, rl stuff, tv fandom, horses

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