A Gallon of Vodka, a missing pair of underwear and a hangover later...

Feb 24, 2010 12:11

Where to begin....

Labor Day Weekend
Fun. Went Camping at Boulder Creek with the Perfect Couple.
Lots of alcohol.
Sex by the creek.
Find out Mr. Perfect has something else that's quite perfect....
**distracted momentarily. Happy thoughts**
After the mass quantities of alcohol came sex.
...With different people.
Think, 4-some minus the same-sex action.
Good times were had til Mrs. Perfect made it apparent she may have had a little
too much to drink. Mid sex-session, she just breaks down and starts bawling and runs out of the tent. Naked.
I'm guessing she just realized Mr. Perfect was having sex with someone else for the first time....(he was quite virginal until they were together. Cute, right?)
She proceed to lock herself in their pickup and pass out.

Needless to say, it was awkward.
Husband and I left. Went back the next day and everything was A-okay, though.
Weird what a little too much Vodka will do to a person.

Last Night
I made a big, BIG mistake.
Okay, more like an 80% mistake.

I went to dinner/drinks with Jackass.
The mistake part was not telling Husband. I told him I was going out with "pregnant friend".
Of course, he found out.
I don't think I've ever felt worse in my life.....

I know how much he dispises Jackass, and I guess by not telling him, I was saving a ruined night for both of us.
Didn't turn out that way.
I told him the truth...everything that happened. Which was nothing. Dinner, a walk with the dog...coming home to him.

I'm not sure how this is going to blow over...or when.
I think trust is an issue right now.
We'll see.
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