It's not normal for your abs to twitch, is it...?

Jan 21, 2007 18:24

1) favorite male overall:
Uhh. o_o If Balthier, Basch, Squall, Vincent, and Reno could have a lovechild somehow (OT5 lovechild? Holy shit), then my favorite wouldn't be him. 'cause that would be creepy--a mix of my favorite male FF characters.

2) favorite female overall:
.... ......................... Larsa xD (HE'S NOT A GIRL I KNOW. But I can pretend.)

3) favorite male ffvi:
8D; Haven't played VI yet.

4 )favorite female ffvi:
See above answer.

5) favorite male ffvii:
Cid :3

6) favorite female ffvii:

7) favorite male ffviii:
Laguna. xD And Kiros. I love those two.

8) favorite female ffviii:
._. I love Selphie. She's adorable...

9) favourite male ffix:
Lmao I haven't played IX yet, either, but because of KH2, I LOVE Vivi. *gigglesnort*

10) favorite female ffix:
x_X ...

11) favorite male ffx:
Wakka, ya? *dork* But.. Yes. Wakka

12) favorite female in ffx:

13) favorite male in ffx-2:
D: Do I have to choose between Gippal, Nooj, and Baralai? They're like... yeah.

14) favorite female in ffx-2:
Hate to say this, but... X-2 let me love Yuna and her fuckin' flamboyant and girly dress sphere crap. x_X;

15) favorite male in ffxii:
Balthier and Gabranth/Noah. Minor characters kick ASS.

16) favorite female in ffxii:
Omg. First FF game I didn't hate any of the female characters (except Drace. She was a bad minor character). But, I have to choose Fran. Hands down. ♥

17) favourite couple:
I shall separate these by game! e_e
FFVII - Everyone x Cloud (manwhore), Rude x Reno...
FFVIII - Everyone x Squall (player), Laguna x Kiros, Zell x Irvine, Zell x Quistis (I see it), Squall x Selphie... Yep.
FFX/X-2 - Um. I never liked the Shuyin x Lenne thing 'cause Shuyin came off as more of an idiot than Tidus. SO! My favorite couple's Wakka x Lulu
FFXII - Everyone x Larsa/Larsa x Everyone (exclude Fran and include Gabranth), Balthier x Fran, Basch x Balthier, Basch x Vaan, Balthier x Vaan, Vossler x Basch/Basch x Vossler, Vayne x Venat, Vayne x DEATH. (I hate Vayne. Yes, yes I do)

18) least favourite couple:
All the canon hetero couples (except for Larsa x Penelo, Balthier x Fran, and Wakka x Lulu). No joke. D:

19) most hated character:
Rinoa, Vayne, Marquis Ondore, Vayne.... Vayne... And Mewt (FFTA)

20) favorite song ffvi:
Shall I download VI songs now?

21) favorite song ffvii:
Damn. I gotta go with Panida's choices. e_e The piano versions of Aeris and Tifa's theme are great, and so is Cloud Smiles. Buuut... I love the piano version of OWA (it's creepy xD). :3

22) favorite song ffviii:
Liberi Fatali, Liberi Fatali instrumental, Angela Aki's version of "Eyes on Me"

23) favorite song ffix:
Aria Di Mezzo Carattere ^^; (I noticed it played in VIII, too. Weird)

24) favorite song ffx:
Piano version of To Zanarkand and Yuna and Tidus's Theme (piano).

25) favorite song ffx-2:
1000 Words, orchestral version. Panida--the FMV for 1000 Words made me cry, too. x.x

26) favorite song ffxii:
All the ones I have: Kiss Me Good-bye (Japanese and english versions), Esper Battle (ya know, the song during Esper battles?), Symphonic Poem "Hope" (beautiful song), and Secret Practice (Port at Balfonheim!!)

27) favorite song overall:
Symphonic Poem "Hope" and Esper Battle

28) least favorite?:
... I can't name one that I don't like. D:


27) favourite character skill ffvi:
. . .

28) favorite magic materia ffvii:
I've got this thing for fire and thunder magic... *cough*

29) favorite summon ffvii:
I honestly didn't play enough of VII. xD;

30) favorite materia ffvii:
See #28 o_o

31) favorite magic ffviii:
All the fire magic. x3

33) favorite aeon ffx:
Shiva, by far!

34) favourite dress sphere ffx-2:
I loved the BeastTamer and White Mage ones... But, I also wanted to tear the Thief clothes from them and have them as my own, no matter how revealing they were. x_x

35) favorite limit break (overall):
e_e Squall's. All of them.

36) favourite summon (overall):
Shiva... Or Adremmalech. :D Shemhazai is a bit creepy, but since she's a demon AND female, she kicks ass. (God, I love Famfrit, too. Lmao)

37) favourite spell (overall):
The FFVIII cure spells were damn pretty. ;-; But, I loved Flare Wheel (Yuna in Floral Fallal) and Flare PERIOD in FFXII. xD; I love magic, but not as much as the weapons.

38) favourite enemy skill (overall):
Meteor Strike. *cackle*

39) favourite storyline:
VIII and FFXII. Mainly FFXII. ^^; My fav. game right now.

40)favourite ending:
I cried so much at the end of FFXII... and I loved X-2's ending. Errr.. They tie.

41)favorite mini-game:
Cross-dressing Cloud. x.x And, well, hunts in XII count as mini-games to me... So, really, the hunts. And missions in FFTA.

42) favorite boss:
The Undying. o_o So easy, so long as you keep Bravery, Faith, Shell, and Protect casted on the party. And.. hopefully you've got a helluva lot of technicks for all of the hume boss battles in XII. God damn you, Doctor Cid. I hope you're burning in hell!! T_T

43) toughest boss fight (storyline):
The final three against Vayne. *cries*

44) toughest boss fight (optional):
I've gotta say Ixion in XII because I couldn't even find it/him. e_e; Adremmalech wasn't easy though, what with all those damned zombie warriors and stuff. And the sandstorm. Can't forget the sandstorm.

445) favorite game over screen:
XII and... er... FFTA. ^^;

46) which final fantasy did you replay the most?:
Tie between X-2 and XII. xD; I've only played through my FF games once (if at all), and I've only played X-2 and XII partially a second time. (X-2's frustrating . Blah)

47) how many times?:
1/2. I only played them through once.

48)did you not finish any that you started?:

49) why?:
I got stuck, and the graphics were haunting me. D:

50) favorite game overall?:
XII, bitch. ;3 (TA's up there, too)

Omg. Hirata Hiroaki? Yeah. Him. He's my favorite anime/game voice actor. My overall favorite is Seki Tomokazu, of course, but I've only heard him in anime. Hiroaki? He's Japan's Johnny Depp (dubbed him about 15 times). And, for those good little fangirls, he's also Sha Gojyo and *gigglesnort* Balthier. 8D Also.... Matt Damon's dubber. Yay.
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