Masterpost: That Was Longer Than a Heartbeat

Jan 26, 2012 18:59

Title: That Was Longer Than a Heartbeat
Fandom(s): Castle/Supernatural/Lie to Me/L4D (Lie To Me isn't too heavily involved in this, so don't worry if you've never seen it. L4D's only in there so far as types of zombies and zombie mythos go.)
Art Masterpost: done by glasslogic (please go and comment on how awesome she is)
Pairings: None
Rating: R for violence
Word Count: 9973
Warnings: A crap-ton of gore, character death (non-explicit).... and zombies
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these fandoms. And the title was stolen from a 28 Days Later quote.

Summary: Ever since the world ended, Alexis Castle can think of nothing but finding her father. Basically, Alexis, Sam Winchester and Emily Lightman all attended Stanford together. And that's when the zombies show up.

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3

longer than a heartbeat verse, castle, fic, crossover, supernatural, l4d, lie to me

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