Two new fanfic recommendations!

Nov 21, 2009 20:11

New update of the fic rec list, as I just added two stories and wanted to share the love. Run, fly to read those! You won't regret it!

But What That Place Could Be, by yamx
Pairing: Nine/Rose/Jack
Rating: Teen
Length: one-shot
Summary: On Jack’s first morning onboard the TARDIS, he and the Doctor have a serious disagreement with an unexpected outcome.
Rec note: Jack setting the Doctor straight on his reaction to Rose's mistakes in Father's Day was a stroke of brilliance, and I loved how the story showed us the evolution of the relationship between the three of them. Angsty, but with that hint of optimism that makes the best Nine/Jack/Rose stories. And Jack's just brilliant.

Better Late Than Never
, by
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Rating: R
Spoilers: The Waters of Mars, The End of Time preview from Children in Need if you squint.
Length: one-shot
Summary: After the events of The Waters of Mars, the Doctor takes a detour.
Rec note: Angsty, romantic, desperate, and made possible thanks to Russell's brillant episode. This story is so well done, between the flashbacks showing the first moments of the scene described in the story and the Doctor having to lie to Rose while not really lying to her, all in all. It's hard to describe without giving everything away, but trust me on this: it's very, very well done.

nine/rose/jack, rose tyler, recommendation, doctor who, ten/rose, tenth doctor, fanfic, captain jack harkness, episode: the waters of mars, 2009 specials, ninth doctor, episode: father's day, doctor who series 1

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