Title: Journey Into Night
Author: Kaethel (
Characters/Pairing: Ten/Rose, eventually Ten/Jack/Rose
Rated: M
Warnings: explicit OT3 content, character death in the second chapter (none of the main three characters)
Spoilers: Nothing beyond DW’s Journey’s End. Small mention of Torchwood’s Exit Wounds.
Summary: He’s got the biggest family in the
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Comments 20
The whole chapter engages every sense: there's sight, of course, and you describe the flames and the burning, as well as the Doctor's face etched in stone, so very well. Sound: not just their voices, but everything else; I can hear the flames burning and consuming everything - and the TARDIS door slamming at the end. The Doctor, Rose and Jack touching each other in different ways, providing essential comfort in what ways they can. And it's all so vividly described that as I read I feel as if I'm there in Rose's shoes and can smell the flames and taste the acrid smoke in my mouth. Superlative writing ( ... )
You protray their individual and cumulative pain so well. Your description of the action was so very vivid. But I see all of them taking steps to sort this mess out, with a big "Thank You" to Jack who is pulling them along.
Thanks so much for your nice words!
So sad. And so well done!
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