Questioned Loyalties: Part 2a

Sep 01, 2011 10:57

Elennoko says: Now, Oriseus.

Elennoko says: I want to hear the story first hand, and you will stay as calm as you can.

Elennoko says: Why did you think it was a good idea. To attack an orc in the middle of Orgrimmar!?

Elennoko says: You seem like an intelligent elf.

Elennoko says: This was a very idiotic thing to think of! Let alone -do-!

Oriseus rubs his face. It doesn't do much good given that his gloves are as dusty as his face. "I d-didn't think it was a *good* idea, Elennoko. It w-was what *had* t-to be done. He understands only force. I used f-force."

Elennoko says: And causingsaid force in front of an Earten Ring -and- Cenarion Circle member? Howdid you think that would go?

Oriseus says: Exactly as it must.

Oriseus says: Kae is -mine-.  N-not a possession but a responsibility, a loyalty. Had a b-band of elves drugged and tortured an orc, there w-would be the same sort of justice. I have n-no faith left in the so-c-called law of the land anymore.

Elennoko says: What happened with him? I want a full explanation.

Elennoko says: And I want it to be -true-. No bending any of it to make it seem much worst.

Oriseus sucks in a deep breath and lets it out slowly before he begins. There's a cadence to his voice when he speaks like music, as though he were singing moreso than talking - a means of controlling the stutter. On the other handit makes his Thalassian accent as thick as pea soup.

Oriseus says: Kae is older than most of us combined. Three hundred, Noko, three centuries old, think about what it means to live that long - to have that long to form opinions and loyalties. And think, too, of how quickly things have changed since the orcs first came to Azeroth. He's outspoken. He remembers too keenly how Quel'thalas burned by orcish hands; how it was further despoiled by Scourge; and generations of war with the trolls, almost as many spent allied with humanity. He is outspoken, yes, most of all in his own home. And thus, of course, a coarse dead orc comes barreling into his city - what once was OUR city -it's a slap in the face, at times, to all we've lost at their hands: twice over, in Kwake's case.

Elennoko says: I understand that.

Elennoko says: So;

Oriseus says: All of this is to say, he mouthed off.

Elennoko says: Tell me if I'm wrong here.

Oriseus listens.

Elennoko says: He mouthed off to Kwake, about how much he despised the Horde, for what the orcs years and years ago, did to Quel'thalas?

Oriseus raises a finger. "Not only this. Too much of the Horde treats us as second-class citizens, as hangers-on unworthy of trust or regard; the cold truth is our choices were join the Horde or die to the last."

Elennoko says: I understand that. But I want a simple, yes or no; Is he painting the large majority of the Horde, for the ones that -do- hate the elves?

Elennoko says: Is he looking at them, as if it's the orcs that burned his home?

Oriseus says: Hate, no. Disrespect, yes. Respect is important to us.

Elennoko says: Do you know where he is?

Oriseus says: Kae?

Elennoko says: Yes.

Oriseus closes his eyes a moment, and nods. "At home, under Khaavren's care."

Oriseus says: He was tortured, Elennoko.

Elennoko says: I would like to speak with him, one day.

Elennoko says: Not as an enemy. But as a member of the Cenarion Circle, and by someone who knows what he means.

Oriseus hesitates, then nods.

Elennoko says: So, the story I know. Is he mouthed off about the Horde, being 'savages', in the middle of a Horde city.

Elennoko says: And he was tortured.

Oriseus snaps, "In the middle of SILVERMOON."

Elennoko raises an eyebrow. "Silvermoon?"

Oriseus says: Yes. Kwake was in Silvermoon.

Oriseus says: When th-they found each other yesterday it was Orgrimmar, but Kwake attacked him for what was said in Silvermoon.

Elennoko looks back to where Kwake sits in front of the tavern. "Well. That doesn't make what he said respectable. But it does change a lot of things on how I view this."

Elennoko blinks at Rakayah.

Rakayah pads on over, peering inquisitively.  "T'ought ya might need some watah."

Oriseus tries again to wipe his face off, this time with a scrap of cloth. That's when he discovers his arm is bleeding from an axe wound. "Huh."

Elennoko hasn't even bothered to tend to his own bleeding axe wound. "Oh, thank you!"

Elennoko kneels down.

Rakayah produces water-skins, one for each, and sets 'em down.

Elennoko says: Give me your arm.

Oriseus says: But yes. Kae c-comes to Orgrimmar to- thank you - t-to see friends and perform business, and....

Oriseus offers up his arm. Somehow, covered in blood and dust and dressed the part of the corruptor, he manages to look frail and contrite.

Elennoko slides the glove off the arm, and looks it over. He seems to be debating something.

Elennoko cleans the wound a little, then looks it over. "As punishment, for being a fool, I am not going to mend this with magic."

Elennoko says: You are going to feel the pain as it's wrapped, and know what you did, no matter how 'honorable' your act was, or is.

Elennoko says: Was a very foolish thing.

Elennoko says: Understand?

Oriseus offers up his arm, growing silent. He's relieved at least to see that the wound didn't his the tattoo on his wrist. "I'm alr-right with that," he nods, flinching and wincing as it finally starts to hurt. "I understand, 'Noko. I alw-ways do." Warlocks are no strangers to suffering for what they believe needs doing, now are they.

Elennoko says: However. As I'm a believer of keeping peace at least within faction cities.

Elennoko says: If you try and do this again, I will be obligated to break your arm.

Oriseus blinks in alarm; his hand flinches back, nervously tucking hair behind an ear - both of which plaster against his skull. "I, I see."

Elennoko says: WHat Kwake did was not a good thing, and I believe the shaman is dealing with him. He was already punished by being filled with the Holy Light.

Oriseus griiiiiiiiins at that. Oh what a satisfying thought.

Rakayah - The Darkspear peeks at her knuckles, then buffs them against the cloth covering her chest.  Job satisfaction?  Oh yeah.

Elennoko says: I'm a member of the Circle. We're allowed to do whatever it takes to keep the peace. So, if that means breaking your arm, your leg, or even keeping you from fending for yourself for a few days.

Elennoko says: So be it.

Oriseus says: B-brutal yet effective.

Elennoko digsi n his bag and pulls out some embersilk cloth, feels it, then shakes his head and stuffs it back in. He then pulls out wool cloth. Rough, uncomfortable, wool cloth.

Oriseus makes a noise that defies accurate description, but it's somewhere between a snort, a snore, and a toilet backing up.

Elennoko wraps the wool tightly around Oriseus' wound and ties it down. "There."

Elennoko says: And Oriseus.

Oriseus looks at Elennoko.

Elennoko says: I'm sorry for what happened to him.

Oriseus goddamn near loses his composure. Oh look dust in his eye. "I...yeah. Th-thank you."

Elennoko sends a quick backhand to Oriseus' face, but not too hard. Don't wanna snap his neck.

Oriseus reels and blinks.

Elennoko says: And that's for speaking that foul language!

Oriseus rubs his cheek, grinning lopsidedly. "I d-deserved that," he mutters.

Elennoko looks at Rakayah.

Rakayah peers uuu-uuup at the hulking Tauren, blinking owlishly.

Elennoko says: As you most likely overheard. His wound is to not be healed by magic.

Oriseus says: F-for what it's worth, it's even l-less pleasant to speak than t-to hear.

Rakayah nods emphatically.  "Yes elder."

Elennoko laughs at Rakayah.

Elennoko says: Do I really act that old?

Rakayah says: Ye be actin' as old as tha matron.

Elennoko scratches the back of his head. "Oh, well then!"

Oriseus says: You k-kind of do.

Elennoko says: I suppose I can take it as a compliment.

Rakayah rises to her feet, lank and gaunt in her priestly robes, and brushes the dust of Durotar from her clothing.

Rakayah says: Y'bettah.

Rakayah cracks a grin.

Elennoko nods at Rakayah.

Rakayah glances askance, sidelong at the black-clad caster.  Just because she'sforbidden from healing him, doesn't necessarily mean she can't help in her own twisted way.

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