Okay people. I have seen with my past entries that when there are two you haven't read and then you only comment on the latest one. I have part two up and am almost done with part 3. But I can't post it yet. So if you're just hanging around and don't comment...PLEASE DOOO!!! I need people to see if part 2 is okay so I can fix it before part 3 is put up!!!!!
Now I sound desperate.....
Ah well....Now I got that off my chest and it's time to speed write Greedy-chan's fic! Sorry sis! I got caught up with three tests and two papers. It's no excuse but I'm sorry if it's a bit late. To make it up to you it's a RoyxEdxGreed vampirexangelxvampire threesome!!! n.n
Hope you don't kill me cause it's late! And now I am off to do more homework!!!!