I AM ALIVE!!!!!!
Okay people, I have a few annoucements to make. December 18th is the last day of the Fall semester and I will be leaving my campus for a month long vacation. But during that month break I will not have internet. That mean that I will be writing like crazy so that I won't die of boredom.
That means that I will write! And thus I will be taking requests from anyone who is reading this journal entry. I will do anything and I very well now that I will regret that. But there will be rules which are the following...
1: It must be a one shot!
I will be taking multiple chapter requests but not now. Maybe during my summer break!
2: It must be about couples that I will actually tolerate.
That means no EdxWin or EdxEnvy among them, I will tell you if a pairing you request is one I have said I will never do. But I am willing to try new pairings that I have never written.
3: Give me a vague idea of what you want and clearly state what you DON'T want!
I do not want to take your idea and go in a way that you didn't want just to hear you bitch about it. State what you absolutely hate, such as use of toys or against bondage alright?
So just comment on this entry and I will put you onmy list of what I am working on over winter break. You will get them posted on my LJ by the end of January okay!!!