I've been really busy with work and school lately, as per usual, but in exchange for my inactivity, here is half of my sketch meme fulfilled!
This drawing is really bad! But it was a sketch! OKAY? Okay.
I actually kind of like this one. I was excited to tackle Aigis' tough design.
Next I have to drawn Luck Gandor and Firo x Claire. I'll try to do the Baccano! guys all at once. I recently bought the Baccano! complete series, so I think I'll watch a few episodes to get back into the swing of things.
I was listening to Sound Horizon's Moira album again and I forgot how much I loved Takashi Utsunomiya!
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I think that's the only dance he knows. He's not even all that attractive, but he's somehow really adorable in that weird 80's-relic kind of way. And he's still really cool now, which is kind of amazing. Yeah. He should be like, my uncle or something.