soooo muuuch coffeeeeeee!
i've been toying around with more tattoo ideas that are starting to go in slightly more productive directions. so far, so good. i feel like i'm finally grasping the abstract, latent images my brain's been trying to push for.
the picture i used is so old... that's like the second or third day after i got my tattoo so my skin's all smudgy and stained. i want the top pieces to go up just into my hairline. the main shape i'm going for is modeled after the fused shadow pieces from twilight princess:
i want some kind of architectural, carved stone look. i'm not going for a helmet or a piece of armor so much as just some kind of stone monument or a relic. i want it to be covered in carved patterns that are a combination of those used on the fused shadow and the cover of the game:
and ideally, i'd like to go over the details of the tattoo with blue-green UV ink so that, in the dark, the lines would glow like in the lower right-hand corner of the cover. i want to look like something that would be a part of the twilight temple.
and that's all i've got so far. i'll probably scrap the whole thing in like two days and decide i want shiny pink ponies and shit instead.