I know Karla is going to use this as further evidence of my emoness...but it really blows when the only people you see all weekend are your dad and brother. I know Kater gets it (well, with the exception of having Dustin to hang around with, but whatev). I kinda wonder what the rest of the college-age world is like, having these networks of people who know people who know people. Art students are all pretentious bitches, very exclusi, and I'm not really one of them. I have no clique, no relationship, and a very busy Kater-friend. And I've been desperate to move out for so long, I never actually thought about what it would be like to live ALONE in the city with no friends/relationship/family around. I'll save Karla the trouble and call myself emo this time, I'm just not in a happy mood...
I feel so behind in life.
Kater and I have crazy conflicting schedules, Dustin's off doing his teaching block thingies, Jake is being a total recluse (actually, he's more like a monk), and I haven't seen Jon since Halloween. I think. I'm going to go crazy if this is all I have to look forward to.
Woo, PMS. Someone save me from my self-pity. I'm so full of shit.