Title: kjaereste
kahlanaislingClaim: Romania/Norway
Character(s): Romania, Norway
Table/Prompt: 9/Find
Word Count: 225
Rating: G
Summary: Romania needs to not be this good at games.
They like to send each other on scavenger hunts.
Norway is fairly predictable in his. Usually objects lying around the house, sometimes objects lying around someone else's house. Sometimes he'll put things in the park or library and Romania won't find them until he's given up. He'll give Norway an exasperated look and Norway will just smirk the tiniest bit.
Romania gets his revenge by making Norway find words. Sometimes he goes even more complicated than that and has him find sentences or phrases, and red herrings will be laid out and it's not unusual for him to do it in an entirely different language. Once, in a particularly epic fest that lasted a whole two months, Norway had to find a short story written in Esperanto. One word at a time.
It can get ridiculous very fast.
The one that's topped all the rest, though, at least in Norway's book, was when the hunt was exactly one word in a familiar language (native, even) that Norway had not said for decades. It took him far too long to find it, because it wasn't what he was looking for. Romania sat there with a smug expression on his face the whole time and when Norway finally found it, simply winked and walked out.
Norway hasn't been able to beat that one yet.
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