(no subject)

Jul 01, 2012 21:12

Title: [untitled]
Author:  Kahlan Aisling
Claim: RomNor
Character(s): Romania, Norway
Table/Prompt: Random/4 -- Sky
Word Count: 305
Rating: G
Summary: You don't have to be creative to know what description doesn't fit.

The sky is every single color of the rainbow.

Romania notices this every time he steps outside.  In the morning, it's a dark blue-gray.  In the daytime, it's anywhere from pure white to the threatening charcoal of a thunderstorm.  At night, it's a pure, dark indigo -- unless one is in the city, in which case it turns a strange, ugly, but still beautiful orange-brown.  In the evening, it's every color one could hope to ask for.

He would compare them all to Norway's eyes in a fourteen-line sonnet dedicated to the beauty of nature, but then he would be lying.  And it's the job of a poet to always tell the truth -- if he appears not to, then it's merely because he's hiding it very, very well under a web of metaphor and simile and rhyming sounds.  Romania's always been fond of rhyming sounds.

The reason he can't compare Norway's eyes to the sky is because the sky is so inherently vast and alive -- birds and bats fly through it, and airplanes, and trees and bushes provide a nice coloring contrast while moutains give a distinctive horizon.  It's an all-encompassing backdrop, the perfect painting, without brushstrokes or drying lines.  Norway's eyes don't have drying lines, but they don't have anything else either.

They are the right color, that's true.  But at the same time, the sky's not. . . not deep enough

Most people don't think light eyes can be deep.  That's true.  Romania has never seen light-colored eyes that look deep like a nice green or dark blue or even gray can.  But Norway's eyes are much like him, an unreadable ice wall that promises vast secrets should one break through.

Romania's proud to say, as he presses a kiss just below those eyes, that he's the one who wielded the hammer.

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hetachallenge, 2012, nationverse, pairing: romania/norway, character: romania, character: norway

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