okay, I know I am supposed to do Kain next, but I felt I really REALLY need to share this with you first xD
The first part of this summary will include the much anticipated KANAME vs ICHIJOU scene!! ^0^/
Second part will be Yagari's storyline because it is alot shorter than everyone else, but seriously, I was so touched by it ;_;
Yagari is just so smexy, hawt, wild, manly, OMG...he made me drool all over him (* ̄∇ ̄*)
Warning, this entry is super image heavy
Following on from the
Ichijou route where I was surprised Kaname had no particular response when his best friend took his girl from him!
But instead you get Zero coming to bless them....o_O
Anyway, I realised one thing about this game, apparently whoever is the second most intimate to you, he will become the person that appears to say stuff to you when your main bishie confesses. So because for some reason, Zero was always the second highest (without me trying, I told you, for some reason that guy loves me 8D)
So I replayed Ichijou's route, this time making sure Kaname was the second highest and I FINALLY GOT IT!!
THE KANAME vs ICHIJOU scene!!! ヾ(≧▼≦*)
So are you ready for it?? Doki Doki Doki!
Basically continuing on from where on Ichijou's route, how he handed me the rose which represents 'passionate burning love' then he shyly asked you to attend the ball before he took off. Then while I was like "awww...Ichijou, you're so sweet~"
Then turning around, Kaname was suddenly standing there!!
Kaname: I cant believe you and Ichijou....Are you serious?
Totally freaking out, I asked him how he find out about US<--ahh...what a term.
Kaname: I told you right? There is nothing that I dont know.
man...you guys really should hear Kaname's voice when he was saying this, it sounded sooooo scary.
I really really admire how Kishio Daisuke did the voice of Kaname, like OMG, although his voice was still the same calm soothing Kaname voice, you could so tell that HE IS FURIOUS!!!
Hearing how scary his voice sounded, I kept justifying and say Ichijou had been very kind and supportive and that is why I am attracted to him. (No, honestly, I think I was more freaking out because Kaname caught me going around recruiting people into my harem 8D 8D 8D)
Kaname: It's true. Ichijou is kind and caring. If it's with him, I am sure he is able to support your dream.
Kaname: He is truly a nice guy. ^-^
Wow! He came to accept that Ichijou is a real nice guy for me!
So Kaname, does that mean you are happy for Ichijou to join our happy harem? 8D
Then while I was happily telling Kaname that it's okay, although we have one more person in the harem, but he will still be sitting on my right hand side, then his facial expression changed...
AND DA SCARY MUSIC started playing... Σ(゚◇゚;)?!
Kaname: BUT. That has nothing to do with this.
Me: ...Ka...Kaname-chama...? (・Д・;)
Wah....I am starting to get really scared....but why am I doki doki and squealing at the same time? (゚∀゚*)エヘヘ
Kaname: I hope you understand that I do not wish to get into a situation where I have to fight over you with him.
Me: ehh....but I want to see you two fight over me~~ 8D 8D 8D *bricked*
Kaname: Both you and Ichijou were quite similar in the aspect, where you would do things beyong my prediction...
Me: tehe~ *v* gomennachai~~
<--totally unrepentent xD
Kaname: But it is the first time for me to be taken off guard like this...
Kaname: Do you think I can tolerate this?
Me: ......(゚◇゚;) Ka...Kaname-chama...I am so...sowie...I have been a bad bad pervy girl....
Noticing I have become very scared, both me in the game and in reality, (But seriously, you guys have to listen to Kishio doing this scene....the impact is unbelievable!!)
So Kaname sighed and said...
Kaname: No...I have been too harsh with my words.
Kaname: I guess because I was shaken with the discovery...
Me: But this is what I wanted to see, niehehehehe, to see you shaken Kaname-chama >D
Because I love you so I bully you~~ (*´艸`)
Yes, I am a sadist 8D
Kaname: It was because you were such a bully, Kaho.
Me: I told you its my way of loving you, Kaname-chama 8D
Kaname: Anyway, I will see you later. But I hope you reconsider what you are doing...
Me: wahh....Kaname-chama, why does that sound like a threat? Are you going to kill Ichijou? wahhhh~
<--Is still secretly happy for some reason
So that was that for Kaname's reaction when he found out about how Ichijou went behind his back xD
Its like, wow, so different from Zero's reaction. Zero was like, "I bless you two, because unlike him, I can never be your sun."
And then Kaname was all...$&%@#$&@^%$&*@ about it.
Well, I know some of you may think Kaname is a jerk and unforgiving unlike Zero. But I really thought Kaname's reaction made me squeal so much more than Zero's reaction. And dont forget, Ichijou IS Kaname's best friend. And remember the only person Kaname EVER trusted was Ichijou, so to be betrayed like this....awwww~~
I think someone should really write a fic about this~~!!!! o(>▽▽<)o
Angry Kaname = win
Now moving onto Yagari's route.
And really, maybe alot of you dont really care about Yagari, but he was sooo hawt in this game. And his reaction and words are just so sexy and mature.
I guess I got so moved by Yagari because I am OBA-SAN, and I have a thing for mature man who says and do stuff not in a corny way but was still able to make you scream because it just MAN!
Anyway, unlike others, Yagari's route does not start until chapter 4 Crying Rose.
So in order to get into Yagari's route, just make the mistake I did in Ichijou's route.
Talk to him after his scary class with the Night Class and then you have entered his route.
Walking on the streets one day, I got attacked by Level E. So Yagari came to the rescue.
Yagari: Hate me while you die, vampires!
After he rescued me, he said he was just on the way to the vampire hunter society when he saw me being attacked by Level E. Hearing that he was going to the vampire hunter society, being nosy, I told him I wanted to tag along.
So yeah, Yagari the softy told me to do whatever I want and then allowed me to stalk him...ehehehehe >)
When we arrived the hunter place, immediately I drew attention from other hunters because I was so hawt, I was an unfamiliar face.
So as expected, all these other hunters started ganging up on me telling me to leave.
Then while they were getting all physical and stuff, Yagari suddenly intervened!!
Yagari: Oi, she came with me. It makes me unhappy when you shove her out the door like that.
Me: Yagari...( ̄∇ ̄*)
Then suddenly....
Yagari: So take your hands off her.
Me: BUT YOUR HANDS ARE ON MINE!! though I forgive you because this CG is hawt xD
While I was fangirling over this CG, I suddenly realised something....
Yagari.....where is your hand touching? -___________________-
So after he perved me and touch me at that part...a love started developing between us...tehehehehe =w=
moving onto the stranded island, it originally started off normally like everyone else's route. Then while all the bishies went off to look for food, I started walking around and then bumped into Yagari in the forest.
Yagari: How many days have I been stranded alone on the island??
Me: Yagari...you poor thing xD;; Just because you are a side character, they made you teleport here alone.
Yagari: No in fact, why am I in this weird place in the beginning?
Me:...I am more amused at how you still could have your stock of cigarettes after being stranded on the island for many days...==;;
Then suddenly there were birds that flew over the top of his head. Desperate for food, Yagari started shooting at the birds when he suddenly realised...
Yagari: What the hell am I doing? There is no point shooting at the birds with an anti-vampire gun.
Me: ....xD Yagari, for the first time your vampire hunter skills serves no good.
Then for some weird reason, the me in the game started freaking out thinking Yagari was some wild beast that suddenly appears from the bush to attack me so I ran away. xDD
Then while I thought I was safe from the sexy wild beast by the sea, Yagari suddenly appears again.
Yagari: fine, if I cant hunt from the sky, how about the sea?? Today I will have sashimi platter!
Then once again, when I saw him appear at the beach, I thought he was a sexy wild sea monster!! xDDD
Freaking out, I started throwing rocks at him...HAHAHAHA
Yagari: OUCH!! WTF?? Who is it?? Who is throwing rocks at me??
Me: Because I love you so I throw rocks at you...( ̄∇ ̄*) *bricked*
So that was it for Yagari's stranded island event...;_;
Yeah, it was a total rip off compared to the rest. I didnt even get a CG or anything...the whole time he was just a beast to me....
Next, we move onto the dog Chibi's chapter.
Same story, same stuff.
But this time at night watch I brought Chibi to see Yagari. As a vampire hunter, Yagari immediately knew Chibi was a vampire, but seeing how close I was to Chibi, the softy side of him gave in and he only left me with a warning to get rid of Chibi.
So I got upset at him for giving Chibi a hard time, and I think he was a mean person.
But the next day, when Kaname and Zero have made their pack to kill Chibi, I bumped into Yagari again.
While I wanted to take Chibi away from him, to my surprise, Yagari was very kind to Chibi and played with him.
So while I left happily thinking Yagari finally came to accept Chibi then Zero had this conversation with Yagari.
Zero: Shisho, did you receive the job from hunter society about Chibi?
Yagari: Yes I did.
Zero: But if you could please wait for a bit, I will finish Chibi off.
Yagari: But make sure you do it right. If she would ever be in danger, even before her eyes, I will kill the dog.
So with Yagari and Zero's understanding, as usual, Chibi turned into Level E and Zero was unable to pull the trigger so Chibi charged towards me instead.
Then WHALA~~ Yagari comes to the rescue and shot Chibi.
I went DOKI at this because Yagari started yelling at Zero in anger!!
Yagari: Zero!! I am disappointed in you!! Why did you put her in such danger?!
Me: wahh....Yagari..you are so MAN *drools*
Then once again I got the choice to blame Yagari for killing Chibi anticipating a hugging Yagari CG...
BUT IT NEVER HAPPENED!!!! (o ̄^ ̄o)むかっ!
I soon forgave him though because...
Yagari: Kaho....
Me: OMG!! He called my name!!! The first time in the entire game where he called my name and not just call me little girl!!! *squeal*
So anyway, I kept blaming him for being mean and because he is heartless that is why he killed Chibi!!
(wahh...am I a selfish b*tch or not? D:)
Yagari: Mean and heartless....? I guess you are right. Because I am constantly sinning.
Yagari: Fine, hate me all you want.
Me: NOOOO!! I dont want to hate you!! Forgive me for being a stupid useless b*tch!!! >x<
Yagari: If it would make you feel slightly better, then I am willing to accept it.
Me: awwww...you sweet sweet thing!! ;_;
Yagari: Because as long as you are okay, then nothing else matters.
Me: *hiku* *hiku* (⊃Д`。)
Finally realising I have been acting nothing but childish. I apologised to Yagari understanding that everything he did was for me and ran into his arms. HOLD ME BABY~
Wahhh...I think I can see the flower bud of love love developing here~~ (* ̄∇ ̄*)
Zero: Oi! I am still here!
Yagari: No need to be kind to me. Because I am a person who does not deserve to be loved, at the same time I do not need to love.
With that self mocking sentence, Yagari then left me.
It was then I realised Yagari was a lonely man. (well not in the lonely desperate way, but in the bearing all the dark sides of life on himself type lonely)
Then at the final chapter, while I was depressing over Chibi, Yagari came to cheer me up @v@
The "intelligent" me in the game then came up with this crazy idea.
I want to be a vampire hunter too!! Become my shisho!! YAGARI SENSEI!!
します!!↓┌(_ _)┐↓
Yagari: Huh? No way, because the path you and I tread on are too different.
Me: EH??? WHY??
Yagari: I am saying that it's impossible for you to become a hunter, so give up!
Then I went on and complained about how Zero was able to, so why cant I??
Then Yagari said because my attachment to the night class is too strong, so I will not be able to become a hunter.
Because when the day comes, can I kill them??
Wow, he has a point. After working so hard on recruiting my harem, there is no point becoming a hunter to kill them all right?
So Yagari told me to give up but go and enjoy myself at the ball that the Night Class and Zero prepared. At the end, he gave me the rose "Passionate burning love"~~
Then while I was dancing around in joy, this dude suddenly popped up from behind.
Kain: I am surprised that this is going on between you and Yagari sensei.
Me: *gasps* You caught me!
Kain: Then what do you plan to do about Zero?
Me: Zero?
Kain: Dont you tell me that you dont know his heart. And now you are getting close and friendly with his shisho, how do you think he will feel?
Me:.........huh? ( ̄△ ̄)
Kain....since when are you best buddies with Zero?
Kain: To have his most important person taken by his shisho, even I pity him...
Me: ....seriously, since when have you become best buddies with Zero?
Then Kain gave me this very angry face and said if I insist on getting together with Yagari, it would be...
No....dont make me choose please...
Can I have everybody prease? ( ̄∇ ̄*)ゞ
So with that in mind, I went to dance with Yagari anyway at the ball...hehehehe >D
Then he said let's go somewhere else, and ignoring the poor night class we snuck off to the gardens.
Since we were alone now in the night, Yagari said to me...
Yagari: Tonight, you and I are no teacher and student, but A MAN AND A WOMAN.
Me: KYAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! >//////////////////////<
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!! Look at this CG!!! >/////////////////////<
Yagari is bad bad~~ so bad bad teacher!!! >x<
You make my otome heart jump so fast...KYAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!
And to make it worse, he said this...
Yagari: Ah...it's not bad. Tonight, you are pretty damn good.
I think I said that multiple times in this summary, but that is how I really felt!!! He is so wild!! So hawt!!
After the dance, I realised it was late, and the ball was already over....
Yagari: So, you didnt end up attending the party they prepared anyway.
Me:...oops, I feel so bad.
Yagari: Oh well, since they hate me already. Just tell them that I forcefully took you out of the party.
Me: Eh? But that wasnt the truth...
Yagari: Doesnt matter. I would even prefer it that they hate me, because...
Yagari: As long as you have enjoyed yourself, that's enough.
Me: Yagari sensei...:'D
Then as a gentleman he escorted me back to my room. But unable to sleep, I decided to go meet Yagari again and this time tell him my feeling. Then wonderfully I saw him taking a smoke in the gardens.
And then he told me that as expected, the moment he returned into the building, the Night Class were ready to jump on him for taking off with me in the party xDDDDDDD
Yagari: I declared to them, "Yeah, I was the one that took her, what are you going to do about it??" HAHAHAHAHA
me: Yagari, you are so cute...I am in love with you =w=
So finding him way too charming, I finally confessed to him and told him I am in love with him and would like to become a hunter with him.
But then he rejected me!!! ∑(゚Д゚;ノ)
He said that knowing the dark path of a hunter, he didnt want me to walk it.
The worst part about being a hunter is, you never know who could become a Level E, and when an order is issued by the society, it does not matter what relationship you have with the person, no questions asked, you must terminate your target...
So he said he was a man whose hands were already stained with blood so he and I cannot be together.
And because my dream is to become the bridge of humans and vampires, he and I could never be together.
Yagari: You are a strong person, so I can leave this place without regrets.
You have to join my harem!!!
Unmoved with my plead, he said he will leave first thing in the morning at dawn. And not wanting him to leave, I told him I will be waiting for him at the school gate before dawn so I could leave with him.
But he insisted too that he wont take me with him...T^T
Anyway, not giving up, really before the sun comes up, I packed my things and waited for him at the school gate with my luggage.
But I waited and waited....Yagari never came.
Returning sadly back to the dorm, Cross was there waiting for me. And he handed me a letter from Yagari.
To be honest, I was surprised by your confession last night. At the same time, I was happy.
But I am unable to place you in a position beside me, where there is always danger.
Esepecially when you are so gorgeous to me. (OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!)
You have close family and friends, ones you cannot betray right? Most of all, I wanted you to accomplish your dream here at this school.
Dont worry about me, I will be able to live under any sky.
Maybe I will think about you often...haha, you can imagine that if you want.
And when your dream has come true--
At that time, I also no longer am a hunter, but just as a man, then I will appear before you.
I pray from the bottom of my heart, that day would come.
P.S. Take care of Zero for me...
From Yagari Touga."
Yes, I will make sure the day vampire and humans can coexist, so you no longer need to kill!!
By that time, please come to my harem!!!!
The End.
Yes, apparently that was the bad ending, so I will now add the good ending of Yagari here...
I found out that apparently I got bad ending for Yagari's route, so I tried it again, this time not blame him for Chibi's death, and at the morning came when I waited for him at the school gate, this time...
Yagari: I dont know what to do about you...
Yagari: If you insist on following me, you know the path is dark.
Me: I know.
Yagari: And you know I will never stop being a hunter.
Me: I know that too and its my choice to support you.
Yagari: In that case....
Yagari: Take my hand...
This CG is to die for isnt it??? >x<
Ohhh...Yagari, I think you have become my new favourite love....(* ̄∇ ̄*)
Now that's out of the way, I promise I will do Kain next xDD