Translation Time: Xenogears, Part Beta 3

Oct 16, 2016 15:59

It's been a long time, but here are the character weapons of Xenogears.


Magical Rod - マジカルロッド - MAJIKARURODDO - Magical Rod

Arcane Rod - シグナルロッド - SHIGUNARURODDO - Signal Rod

Hot Rod - ラジカルロッド - RAJIKARURODDO - Radical Rod

Or "Logical Rod." In either case, the katakana are nearly identical to those for the Magical Rod, above.

Lunar Rod - ムーンロッド - MU-NRODDO - Moon Rod

Marshal Rod - マーシャルロッド - MA-SHARURODDO - Martial Rod

Thunder Rod - サンダーロッド - SANDA-RODDO - Thunder Rod

Stone Rod - アースロッド - A-SURODDO - Earth Rod

Flare Rod - フレアロッド - FUREARODDO - Flare Rod

Ice Rod - アイスロッド - AISURODDO - Ice Rod

Queen's Rod - クィーンロッド - KUI-NRODDO - Queen Rod

Dynamite Rod - ダイナマイロッド - DAINAMAITORODDO - Dynamite Rod

Dark Rod - ダークロッド - DA-KURODDO - Dark Rod

Psycho Rod - コテンパンロッド - KOTENPANRODDO - Bruising Rod

Literally "black-and-blue rod," but this name makes it a bit more clear.


Leather Whip - レザーウイップ - REZA-UIPPU - Leather Whip

Iron Whip - アイアンウイップ - AIANUIPPU - Iron Whip

WhippaSnappa - スナッパー - SUNAPPA- - Snapper

Cobra Cracka - コブラ - KOBURA - Cobra

Serpent Sting - サーペント - SA-PENTO - Serpent

Black Snake - ブラックスネーク - BURAKKUSUNE-KU - Blacksnake

Silver Blood - シルバーブラッド - SHIRUBA-BURADDO - Silverblood

Whip-Lasher - ガリアンウイップ - GARIANUIPPU - Gallian Whip

Desert Worm - デザートウォーム - DEZA-TOUO-MU - Desert Worm

Sonic Wave - サウンドウェイブ - SAUNDOUEIBU - Soundwave

Wonder Whip - バスターウイップ - BASUTA-UIPPU - Buster Whip

Thor's Thunda - ライジン - RAIJIN - Swift Thunder

Or "thunder god." Without kanji, it's pretty ambiguous, but "swift thunder" makes more sense for a whip, IMHO.

Death Adder - デスウイップ - DESUUIPPU - Death Whip


B&J M10 Gun - B&JM10 - B&JM10 - B&JM10

B&J M686 Gun  - B&JM686 -  B&JM686 - M&JM686

Matchlock - 古式銃 - koshikijuu - Old-Style Gun

Godfather - ゴッドファーザー - GODDOFA-ZA- - Godfather

Ether Gun Right - エーテルガン右 - E-TERUGAN migi - Ether Gun Right

Ether Gun Left - エーテルガン左 - E-TERUGAN hidari - Ether Gun Left

Shotgun - ビッグガン - BIGGUGAN - Big Gun


I used "bullets" rather than "bullet" as the translation for 弾 here because you buy them in packs.

B&J M10A Ammo - B&JMA弾 - B&JMA dan - B&JMA Bullets

B&J M10S Ammo - B&JMS弾 - B&JMS dan - B&JMA Bullets

B&J M10X Ammo - B&JMX弾 - B&JMX dan - B&JMA Bullets

B&J M686A Ammo - B&JM6A弾 - B&JM6A dan - B&JM6A Bullets

B&J M686S Ammo - B&JM6S弾 - B&JM6S dan - B&JM6S Bullets

B&J M686X Ammo - B&JM6X弾 - B&JM6X dan - B&JM6X Bullets

MatAero Ammo - E001弾 - E001 dan - E001 Bullets

MatTerra Ammo - E002弾 - E002 dan - E002 Bullets

MatPyro Ammo - E003弾 - E003 dan - E003 Bullets

MatHydro Ammo - E004弾 - E004 dan - E004 Bullets

The names of these ammo types were likely changed to make their elemental attributes more clear.

Godson Ammo - GOD弾 - GOD dan - GOD Bullets

EthWind Ammo - 風のエーテル弾 - kaze no E-TERU dan - Wind Ether Bullets

EthEarth Ammo - 地のエーテル弾 - chi no E-TERU dan - Earth Ether Bullets

EthFire Ammo - 火のエーテル弾 - hi no E-TERU dan - Fire Ether Bullets

EthWater Ammo - 水のエーテル弾 - mizu no E-TERU dan - Water Ether Bullets

Shot G50 Ammo - SS010弾 - SS010 dan - SS010 Bullets

Shot G60 Ammo - SS020弾 - SS020 dan - SS020 Bullets

Shot G70 Ammo - SS030弾 - SS030 dan - SS030 Bullets

Shot G80 Ammo - SS040弾 - SS040 dan - SS040 Bullets


Since these are all katanas, I chose to leave their names untranslated.

Sengoku Sword - 戦国刀 - sengoku katana - Sengoku Katana

Yamame Sword - 山女 - yamame - Yamame

Literally "mountain woman," but could also refer to a type of fish.

Yamato Sword - 大和魂 - yamatodamashii - Yamato-Damashii

Mumyo Sword - 無命 - mumyou - Mumyou

The given kanji have a lot of possible interpretations, but the one I think fits best is "lifeless."

xenogears, translation time

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