So, this morning I received slightly more than the usual number of insane messages via my youtube profile. This leads me to believe that once again my video of my RFID tag insertion has made it onto a Christian forum
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Yes as an atheist I talk exactly like that and also use a similarly implanted chip to identify myself to other atheists (cause how can we destroy the world if we can't recognise eachother in a crowd?)
Since converting and removing my Atheist chip, I've stopped taking drugs and doing crime but I've developed an itchy rash where it was. Can anyone recommend a topical cream or lotion? Obviouslyit must be a homeopathic/holistic one 'cause I don't believe in medical science any more.
Gotta go - just got time to sing Kum Ba Ya and help paint the dinosaurs at the creationist theme park before Benny Hinn starts on TV. I do hope they donate all the discarded wheelchairs to atheist hospitals.
Comments 19
Gotta go - just got time to sing Kum Ba Ya and help paint the dinosaurs at the creationist theme park before Benny Hinn starts on TV. I do hope they donate all the discarded wheelchairs to atheist hospitals.
However the Straw man falls down in that I've actually _seen/met_ Christians who paint dinosaurs at the Creationist museum and watch Benny Hinn.
I have yet to meet an Atheist who "Does wicked things because that's what Atheists do". ;)
So it's a bit of a weak straw man in one direction... a bit stronger in the other.
Then it's just creepy.
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