Title: The Art of Persistence
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Cook/Archuleta
Disclaimer: Totally fictional
Word count: 27,050
Notes: This is totally
misskatieleigh's fault. She made a comment about liking top!Archie and I got intrigued; I figured it would be a quick writing exercise but, 27 thousand words later, this happened. Yeah, I don't know, either. I owe huge thanks to my fab beta,
rainbownite; her improvements to this fic cannot be textually rendered. Suffice it to say that without her, laws of physics would have been broken, sense would not have been made, and there would be a lot more Britishisms.
Warnings: Now, I must confess, I am not the keenest on warnings, and almost never read them myself, but it has been pointed out that there are some... unexpected elements in this fic, so I leave the choice up to you. For those who want to know beforehand, please highlight this text (I think it will only work on a white background so if you're reading this on your flist you can probably see it anyway, but oh well):
Top!Archie; DC/others implied; Olympic swimmer cameo with implied slashy relationship; British spellings; implication that Simon Cowell is not attractive; improbable happenings; light bondage; slightly!less!innocent!Archie.
I won't be offended if you take off without reading the fic!
The thing is, if David had known what was going to happen way back when he first met David Cook, he might have tried to avoid it. He'd spent practically his whole life waiting for his big break, knowing all he wanted to do was make music, practising until he could barely speak, coping with the terror of thinking he might never be able to sing again when he had a paralysed vocal chord, and singing every chance he got. The first time he saw American Idol, he had watched, wide eyed and fascinated, and after that he had watched every season, sometimes dozens of times, and his only real ambition for as long as he could remember was to be on the show. He'd waited impatiently, desperate to be old enough to finally audition. He had come too far and given too much up to risk it for anything.
Relationships, and dating, and sex, and love and all that messy stuff just caused more trouble than it was worth. He'd been firmly against it all since he was old enough to understand what it meant, and no matter how many times people said to him, 'You'll change your mind when you're older,' he didn't believe them. It happened to all his friends, the girls faster than the boys. They started to watch each other more closely, and talk about each other in lowered voices, and then flirt...
And then they dated, and broke up, with alarming frequency, so that he could barely keep up, and he seemed to spend half his life listening to them complain about each other and how awful it was to be dumped or how great their new boyfriend/girlfriend was and he just did not care. And he'd been right; he hadn't changed his mind when he got older, he was still as firmly against girls in the dating sense at sixteen as he had been at eleven.
He'd wondered for a while if maybe he was gay, but he didn't find himself daydreaming about any movie stars, or wanting to kiss any boys in his class (okay, ew), and maybe he talked about John Mayer more than was healthy, but he totally didn't think about him naked; he just thought he was an awesome musician, and he liked Sara Bareilles just as much, so clearly he wasn't gay or straight, he was just... fine. Normal. Not interested. And he got a little bit of teasing about it, but he didn't care, because people mostly just figured he was totally focused on the American Idol thing, and that he'd start dating when he was famous (and he blushed and said, 'Oh, gosh,' in response but felt secretly thrilled that everybody seemed to think he was going to make it), and anyway, once he was famous he would be able to say he wasn't into it and people would listen and let him be, so that was fine.
So he was pleased and relieved to have made it to Hollywood Week, and just enjoying the experience, he really was, especially when the judges were being so nice, and he was tentatively starting to believe he might actually make it to the live shows, which would be amazing, when some crazy guy bounced up to him and pulled him into a huge hug (didn't he know David hated being touched?) and said, all in a rush, 'Hi, hi, I'm David, they said you were David too, so it's like we're friends already, right, and you were totally awesome today, that cover of Crazy rocked.'
David squirmed, trying to free himself, and finally succeeded, and he took a step back and looked at the guy - David - warily. He had awful hair with red streaks in it, an ugly brown shirt, and he was not exactly in shape. It was a miracle he had made it this far - he must have a good voice, although David hadn't heard him sing yet.
David was pretty sure the guy wasn't going to be around long, because he didn't look like an American Idol contestant, and David knew the show was almost as much about looks as it was about talent - the judges wanted to make sure pretty people made it through, which was stupid, but that's the way it was.
The guy was in no way competition, so David relaxed and said, 'Hi.' And then, belatedly, 'Um, what can I call you? I can't call you David, that's weird.' It was the most he'd said to anyone since he'd got here, so that should have warned him right off, but the guy was grinning, and he had a nice smile; it made him look a lot better, and also made David feel like smiling back, so he did.
'Call me Cook,' the guy suggested and, off David's frown, 'It's my name; I'm not, like, a pastry chef or anything. Now, what about you?'
'Um, Archuleta,' David said, and Cook frowned and said, 'That's even longer than David. Okay, um, how about Arch? No, Archibald? Um, Leta? Oh, wait, I know, Archie! Perfect.'
So that's how David wound up being called Archie by practically everyone in the competition - it's like Cook is some sort of virus and he infects everybody with his way of doing things. He gets to be called David or Dave, and it's not fair, because David has had his name his whole life and he likes it, but he's the youngest one in the competition, so he guesses it's a rank thing. And Ramiele almost gets stuck with Darren until she turns it round on Cook, so it could have been worse.
By the time that they get down to the final three, Cook's probably the closest person to him of all the Idols. He doesn't think it's the same the other way round - Cook has Michael, who he sees whenever he gets a spare minute, and he talks to Carly all the time on the phone. But even so, Cook's always there for David when he needs somebody to talk to, and he has an uncanny ability to sense when David needs a hug, or when he needs to be left alone.
And the way he touches David all the time - okay, he normally hates to be touched, even by close family and friends; they always say he has a personal space bubble a mile wide, but somehow Cook just... disarms it, completely. Maybe it's through intensive conditioning or something, like how you deal with a spider phobia by touching spiders or whatever, but by the end of the competition he is actually anticipating Cook touching him, a head pat here, a one-armed hug there, and going so far as to set up situations where it will happen, like talking about how much he misses his family in an interview when Cook is standing right next to him, and then asking to be excused and having Cook follow and wrap him in one of his ginormous hugs. And it's totally okay, because Cook started it - he likes touching people, and for some reason he likes touching David most of all.
When he goes home for a few days after all the post-finale media, David feels weird, kind of itchy, like something is off. He doesn't settle into his old life like he thought he would - his room feels too small, and his friends and family don't help by being all weird around him, like they think he's going to break down and cry about losing. He finally takes his mom aside and tells her as earnestly as he can, that he really doesn't care about coming second; he's just happy for Cook, and Cook deserved to win. She pats his shoulder and hugs him, and says, 'Oh honey, you are such a sweet, sweet boy,' and she must talk to the others because they stop being all sympathetic and pitying about it, finally.
But still, he feels on edge, and he doesn't figure it out until late one night his phone buzzes and he sees David Cook's name on the display. He answers and says, before even hello, 'I miss you,' and Cook laughs and says, 'Me too, Archie. It's so weird; we spent so much time together, I keep turning to tell you about something that just happened but you're not here.'
David feels a surge of relief, because Cook feels it too, that means it's okay; it's normal. They talk about random stuff after that, nothing important, but at the end of the call Cook says, 'It's only a few days till tour rehearsals,' and David smiles and says, 'See you then,' and feels like it's not so bad. He can totally cope. He's the American Idol runner-up and he's going to get to make music, which is all he really cares about, and he gets to spend his summer hanging out with his nine favourite people in the world (not counting his family, of course).
Sometime during the tour, one of his sisters, he never finds out who, gets the idea into her head that he has... a thing for David Cook. And before he can shut the idea down, all of them believe it, and he knows they're just doing what sisters do, teasing him, but somehow this is way more annoying than the teasing about him licking his lips, or closing his eyes while singing, or blushing.
'I saw you talking about him on Youtube today,' Jazzy announces when his dad hands him the phone.
His dad is right there, so he can't tell her to stop being such a moron, but he says, as firmly as he can, 'I don't know who you're talking about.'
She giggles and says, 'Cook, of course, duh.' In the background, he can hear Amber giggling. 'You two look so cute together,' she announces, and then, 'Are you going to marry him?'
'Jazzy!' he yelps, 'Stop it, okay, it's not funny anymore.' His dad looks over at him, frowning, and David lowers his voice. 'I promise you, you have it all wrong, okay. Please. This whole thing is stressful enough as it is.'
She's quiet for a moment, and then she says, sounding apologetic, 'I'm sorry, Davey.' More giggles from Amber, and then Jazzy says, 'But I still wanna be the bridesmaid at your wedding--wait, do boys have bridesmaids when they marry other boys?'
David feels a headache coming on, which isn't helped when the phone is grabbed by Daniel, who says, 'You know, I thought the girls were just messing around, but they showed me some stuff on Youtube and it does look pretty odd. Maybe you should try looking less like a lovesick puppy when Cook's around?'
David takes a deep breath, wanders as casually as he can manage out of earshot of his dad, who is thankfully immersed in a pile of papers and documents and doesn't notice, lowers his voice to a whisper, and says fiercely, 'I so do not, and if you don't help me get the girls to stop it, I'll tell dad about that girl you met online!'
Daniel takes a choking breath and says, 'You wouldn't!' and David says, 'Oh, I so would.'
Of course, it doesn't work, because the girls are a law unto themselves, as his mother always sighs when they've done something particularly crazy, like tried to paint their bedroom hot pink by themselves, so the first time they hear his new single, his sisters take to singing it to him on the phone until he wants to hang up on them, changing the 'girl' in the second verse to 'boy'.
'I hate you all so much,' he says, mournfully, the fifth time they do it - it sounds like it's not just Jazzy and Amber, but Claudia and a bunch of their terrifying friends as well, all giggling at him over the loudspeaker from Utah.
'Oh, Davey, is it love or is it just a crush?' Jazzy asks, and then he does hang up on them, and ignores them the next three times they call.
David doesn't realise how much he likes the closeness he and Cook have until it's not there anymore. It happens slowly and unexpectedly, so he doesn't really notice at first. It's only when Cook is actually spending zero time with him alone except for the five minutes before they go onstage for the group number that he realises what's happening. Cook is avoiding him, and he has no clue why. He stays the other end of the line when they meet the fans; he stops texting David stupid stuff when he's away from the tour, recording his album; he actually starts moving to other parts of the bus whenever David comes nearby, which is so humiliating, even if no one else seems to notice.
He's subtle about it, though - still smiles widely at David when other people are around - and it's driving him crazy. Cook keeps saying really nice things about him in all his interviews, gushing about how awesome he is, and then he starts this stupid thing where he bows down to David on stage each night, which is even lamer, especially since he'll barely look at him when there isn't anybody else around. And David has no clue what's going on - he racks his brains, trying to figure out what he's done, but he can't think of anything that would make Cook start treating him like he had the plague, or whatever.
When Cook keeps bowing in front of him on stage, even though David's asked him to stop, he gets annoyed; and then he gets mad. It's bad enough he's avoiding David, but to pretend like everything's okay and he thinks David is wonderful is just not fair. And it's weird - Cook swings from pretending like he can't even see David, to hugging him and patting him on the back, and taking stupid pictures with him, and he just has no clue what's going on; it's like there's multiple Cooks, and David never knows which Cook he'll get. It's actually kind of stressful, and it makes him tired, the way he's on edge every time Cook appears until he works out what kind of mood he's in.
It doesn't seem that way with anybody else - Cook acts totally normal with all the other Idols - so it must be something David has done. He's three seconds away from asking Cook, but he can't bring himself to do it, in case asking makes Cook avoid him all the time instead of just most of it. It's pathetic, okay, he knows this, but at least when Cook sometimes treats him the same way, grins at him, posts stupid messages on his MySpace with fake ID's, or whatever, it seems like everything will be okay.
In Lexington, Cook temporarily takes leave of his senses, and manages to make David do the same; it's the only explanation for why he agrees to climb on Cook's back to turn up the volume on the TV so they can hear the Olympics - forgetting there are a million other options, like getting a chair, or finding a box, or asking one of the super-tall security guys to do it. So he finds himself balanced precariously on Cook's back, having to lock his knees to keep his balance, and freaking out that he's doing Cook some sort of permanent damage, and that he's making Cook dirty, because he should have taken his shoes off, but taking his shoes off and standing on Cook's back in just socks seems weirder somehow, and would totally have been premeditated, and this scenario really doesn't need more help to make it weirder.
He occupies himself, as he clutches at the wall and reaches for the button, by wondering exactly how long it will take for reports of this latest craziness to make it to the internet and, by extension, to his sisters (they're calling it the 'Get our brother to hook up with Cook Club' now, and he hate hate hates them). He's aware of some camera flashes, and then of Cook yelling, 'Ow, Archie, my back!' and he apologises and tries to get down as fast as possible. Cook bounces up and grins at him, the big faker, and then they watch Michael Phelps win his millionth gold medal, but all David thinks about is Cook's arm slung around his shoulders, warm and comforting.
The next show, they're standing backstage waiting to go on while Syesha finishes up her set when Cook suddenly bends over, white as a sheet, and lets out a low groan.
'Cook?' David asks, worried. 'Are you okay?'
'Yeah, man, I'll be fine. Just feeling a little off tonight,' he answers, but he's clutching at his stomach and David's really worried now.
'Do you need a doctor? Is it your blood pressure?'
Cook straightens up, but David can tell it's an effort, and he's only making it to reassure David, which is so stupid he can't even speak for a second, and then Cook gives him a watery smile, and says, voice only trembling a little, 'I'm just a bit run-down, that's all. I'll just do my set and the last song and then go lie down on the bus. I'm touched by your concern, though.'
He's smirking, the jerk, so David glares at him and says, 'If you fall over and have a heart attack on stage I am so telling your mom you refused to see a doctor.'
'You're getting a lot better at this blackmailing stuff,' is Cook's response, and then the stage-hand is saying, 'Thirty seconds, David,' and he has time for one last concerned glance at Cook, who looks a little less pale, thankfully, and gives David a jaunty wave.
He barely pays any attention to his set; he's worrying about Cook the whole time, and when it's time to introduce him, he's hardly aware of what he's saying, wondering frantically if one of the producers is going to come on stage instead and explain that Cook's unwell - maybe he collapsed while David was singing, and he's in the hospital right now. David clamps down on his fear and makes his way offstage to the raucous cheers that always herald Cook's appearance, and as soon as he's out of sight of the crowd he fastens his eyes on the spot where Cook begins his set. As soon as he spots that familiar (stupid) hairstyle, he nearly collapses with relief, because Cook hasn't had a heart attack, and then his heart clenches in his chest again, because Cook might be saving it for on stage like the drama queen he totally is, so David watches his whole set like a hawk, noting every tiny, aborted wince and cautious movement Cook makes.
If there's even a hint that Cook might not be up to finishing, he's ready to run out there and rescue him, even if it means singing Cook's songs himself; he'll do it, for Cook. It's amazing, really - the audience has no clue anything's wrong, and David wouldn't either if he hadn't seen Cook nearly fall over earlier. Cook plays with the same energy he always does, puts on a fantastic show, and the crowd loves it.
When he comes offstage, David's waiting, anxious. 'Are you okay?' he asks immediately. It's just the two of them; the others are all in place for their various entrance points, and he and Cook have a minute or so before they have to get on-stage too.
'Shit, Archie,' Cook says, and that's when David knows it's bad, because Cook is scrupulous about not swearing in front of him. 'I don't know if I can do this,' he admits, and David's shocked that Cook is making that kind of admission to him, of all people.
'You don't have to,' he says. 'The audience will understand.'
Cook bites his lip and closes his eyes, taking a few deep, pained breaths. 'No,' he says, 'No, they were promised a show, and they're gonna get it.' Smiling a little, he says, 'Besides, how can I deprive Charlotte of their Mavid dance, huh?' and David can't help but laugh.
'If you do that stupid bowing thing to me, I swear I'll kick you; I don't care if you're sick,' David says, and Cook shrugs and says, 'You can be a lot bossier than I give you credit for,' which isn't really an answer.
Throughout the whole performance, David tries to pretend his eyes aren't glued to Cook, but he's just as energetic as always, and David can't believe he's devoting so much to this performance. When Chikezie was sick, no one begrudged him skipping the group number to rest instead, but Cook has always driven himself hard, harder than anyone, and it's one of the things David most admires about him, how determined he is to do everything to the best of his ability, to always give 110%, but it's also driving him nuts right now, worrying about Cook overdoing it.
When Cook still does the bowing thing, even though he looks to David like he might topple over backward into the crowd, he totally loses it and kicks Cook, albeit as gently as possible. Cook flashes him that grin and finally stands up, without falling over, and David feels a flush of satisfaction, drowning out the worry a little. When he walks up the stairs at the end of the number, Cook kicks him back and he nearly trips but he figures if Cook is up for horseplay, he must be feeling a little better, at least.
When they're finally done, he runs over to the platform, where Cook is swaying a little and accepting a bottle of water from one of the PA's gratefully.
'Okay, now you're going to the bus to lie down, and if you don't cooperate I'll call Steve on you,' David says firmly, and Cook laughs. 'You know he could just carry you, so you may as well give in,' David says, fear for Cook making him far more forward than he would dare to be normally.
Cook looks at him and then nods. 'Okay, Archie. I'll skip the post-show festivities. You win,' but he's smiling, so David feels a huge surge of relief.
He grabs the nearest person - one of the PA's, he thinks her name is Kacy - and says, 'Can you make sure Cook gets to the bus, and then tell everybody he's not able to make the after-party or signing line, please?' Cook laughs some more, and mutters something about mother henning, but allows himself to be led off by the PA, now eyeing him anxiously to try and figure out what's wrong. The last thing David hears of their conversation is Cook explaining he feels a little bit under the weather, and David snorts at the understatement of it.
When they get back to the bus later, Cook is curled up in about a hundred blankets, fast asleep. They're all careful to be quiet, and Cook doesn't wake up until they arrive at the hotel early the next morning. Michael and Chikezie help him up and half-carry him to his room, still mostly asleep, and David goes to his own room and tries to catch some much-needed rest himself with no luck.
The next day, in Duluth, he's filming his music video, which is totally awesome, but means he can't check on Cook every five minutes, and he orders himself to only text him once every couple of hours. Cook always responds straight away, reassuring David he's fine, but David won't believe it until he sees it, so when he gets back to the stadium just in time for sound check, he asks Carly where Cook is right away, and she points him backstage.
He hears Cook's voice, talking quietly to someone, and he's about to turn around and leave, because it's obviously a private conversation, when he hears his own name and freezes. He should leave, he knows he should, but... maybe this will explain why Cook's been acting so weird lately. So he ducks behind a doorway and, feeling thoroughly ashamed, eavesdrops.
It takes a moment to pick up the thread of the conversation, and to realise that Cook is talking to Michael. Michael says, 'I still think you should tell him,' and Cook replies, heatedly, 'No way, are you crazy? More to the point, he'll think I'm crazy. No, I just need to... get over it. That's all. It doesn't mean anything.'
Michael snorts, and says, 'Yeah, tell that to someone who'd believe it, sunshine. You're like a lovestruck teenager. Which is kind of ironic, since he actually is a teenager.'
David feels a hot flush rush through him, because it sounds an awful lot like Cook - like Cook likes him. He shouldn't be hearing this. It's private, and he feels guilty for listening in.
Michael says, 'You know, he might know already. You haven't exactly been subtle. I saw him standing on your back the other day. You didn't look... unhappy to have Archie on top of you.'
David feels like his whole body is turning red with embarrassment. This isn't fair to Cook; he'd hate for someone to overhear him talking about something like this, so he walks away, as quietly as he can, and makes his way to the stage for sound check. Cook and Michael turn up a few moments later, and he carefully doesn't look at either of them as they run through the song. Then they have a little while to themselves before they have to start getting ready to go on, so David makes his way to his dressing room, locks the door, and quietly panics. Cook likes him.
The thing is, knowing Cook likes him changes things. First, David avoids him because he's embarrassed, but that only lasts a day or two before he starts to miss Cook, the way he'd missed him when Cook was avoiding him, so he stops, and tries to let things go back to normal. Cook's not avoiding him anymore - in fact, he seems to be spending more time with David than ever before, maybe because he's thinking about the tour drawing to a close, like David has started to, counting the days left before it's over.
And it's working, everything seems back to normal, except that every time Cook touches him, he gets a tingly feeling and thinks Cook's touching me!. But that's how he always feels when Cook touches him - he's just suddenly more aware of it. He's more aware of Cook, too, notices the way he seems to watch David all the time, out of the corner of his eye; or how he's gone back to calling for David when they're in line signing for fans, and there's something he can't wait to share with him; and then he writes 'Love ya, Cook' on a fan's sign, almost without thinking, because he does, okay, but then he panics about what Cook will think, like maybe it's a great big declaration or something, except Cook just grins and doesn't mention it again, so it's obviously no big deal.
There's maybe a week where he flails around, wavering between freaking out about whether Cook is picturing him naked, and whether he wants Cook to picture him naked, and then he finally figures it out and feels like the world's biggest idiot. He can't talk to his family, and he certainly can't talk to Cook about it, even though he would about anything else, no matter how embarrassing - and that really should have been another clue. He guesses it must be true what everyone says about how naive and oblivious he is because he really didn't know, and now he doesn't know what to do.
Finally, he finds himself at lunch with Carly and Jason and they can tell something's wrong - Carly is trying to look at him without making it obvious she's worried, and Jason smiles at him and says, 'Hey, Arch, are you okay?' and the truth is, no, he's really not.
He's in love with David Cook, okay, and nobody told him - or, well, his sisters tried to, but he'd figured they were just messing with him - and he just--he doesn't know what to do. They must see some of that on his face, because Carly slides around to his side of the table and loops an arm around him and draws him in for a hug, and Carly really gives the best hugs - except for Cook, of course. Jason's watching thoughtfully from across the table and he asks, 'David, do you wanna talk about it?' and he really, really does.
'I think I'm in love with Cook,' he confesses, miserably.
'Um,' Jason says, and turns to Carly with wide eyes.
Carly says, 'David, honey, we thought you knew.'
'What? I didn't--I never--I thought we were just friends!' David says, sniffling. 'He was just nice to me, and I liked him, and--and I didn't mind when he touched me, like I do with everyone else, and--' He trails off, exhausted after the stress of the past few days.
Carly squeezes his hand and says, 'Are you worried about your dad? Because I'm sure he just wants the best for you.'
And David hadn't even thought about that - what would his dad say, if he knew David was--was into Cook? He'd probably be angry, and disappointed. 'It's not my dad,' David says, quietly. 'At least, not yet. I haven't even said anything to Cook. You won't, will you?' he asks them both, worried.
Carly shakes her head and says, 'We won't say anything unless you want us to.'
Jason claps him on the shoulder and says, 'Any time you need to talk, man, I'm here.'
He feels a little better after admitting it out loud, but he still doesn't know what to do. He's not sure he actually wants anything to happen between him and Cook, for real - and although liking Cook isn't a sin, acting on it definitely is. So he does what he always does when confronted with a problem he's not sure how to handle - he analyses it. Just like he prepared for the show, and the tour, and interviews; the way he watches himself on tape to try and improve his stage presence, watches himself answering questions to make sure he does better next time.
He starts making charts and spreadsheets, collecting pictures and videos of the two of them together. He puts together timelines and stares at them for hours, trying to work out when Cook started to like him like him, and when he started to like Cook more than just a friend, because it obviously happened some time before he became aware of it. He buries the documents in folders with names like 'jazzy's fourth birthday,' 'pictures of utah,' and 'dogs - daisy & boo,' so no one will find them. He studies pictures of Cook looking at him, and him looking at Cook, trying to work out what's going on between them.
David doesn't know exactly what he wants, but the more he thinks about it, the more it becomes clear to him that this thing he has for Cook, these feelings, won't go away. And that really what he wants more than anything is Cook. It's hard for him to accept, because he knows it's wrong, and his family won't approve, but he can't help the way he feels.
David knows if he tries to prevent himself from telling Cook, or ever acting on his feelings, it's going to mean cutting Cook out of his life completely - just the few days David spent trying to avoid him after he overheard that conversation with Michael was enough to show him that five seconds not in Cook's presence makes his whole body start yearning for Cook. David's so aware of him whenever he's nearby; wants to go to him all the time, tell him everything that's happened since they last saw each other, even if that was only ten minutes ago. And knowing how he feels, and knowing Cook likes him - it's too much of a temptation.
His choice is clear - he either has to accept how he feels and go for it, or stay away from Cook forever. And even thinking about doing the latter makes his chest ache, makes him curl up miserably in his bunk, thinking about what it would be like to never see Cook again. It's not even like he could avoid Cook totally - they're bound to run into each other at events and award shows, and Idol will always keep them tied together. Not to mention that if he starts avoiding Cook, Cook will be hurt, and if there's one person David could never stand to hurt, it's Cook.
He wrestles with the dilemma, knowing whichever choice he makes he'll have to give up something important; but in the end, it's not really even a contest. Cook's tangled up inside him; he's in every part of David's life and heart, and there's no way he could bear to say goodbye for good. It's a scary choice - he has no idea how his family will react; if they might disown him. And if his management or the press or his fans find out that he's gay, that he's in love with Cook, he might lose his record deal, his career. He might lose everything.
The scariest part is; that doesn't matter anymore. He weighs all that up against the way he feels about Cook, and he knows - Cook is the most important thing to him in the world.
Now he understands what was happening, when his friends were falling apart when they broke up, why they were so happy and excited when they started dating someone new - because they felt just a little like this. He knows it couldn't have been the same - they always got over it so quickly; it doesn't seem likely any of them had ever really been in love, not like he is with Cook. But even just a little of this feeling must be almost too much to bear, loving someone and not being with them. And the really scary part, he thinks, is how it's actually not scary at all to think of giving everything up for Cook, because he trusts Cook, would trust him with his life, with his heart, with his everything. He just hopes Cook feels the same.
Once he's made his decision, it's easier. He doesn't feel guilty during hugs, wondering if he's enjoying them too much. And he begins to make more of an effort to touch Cook first, without being prompted, and to initiate conversations himself. He can't tell if Cook notices, but Carly gives him a thumbs up when she wanders onto the boys' bus one evening to find him with his arms around Cook, giving him a hug. Cook doesn't see, thankfully, but David notices Carly and Jason watching them together more after that, and whispering together when they thinks nobody's watching. It goes totally over Cook's head, but that's probably for the best.
He wonders if Carly and Jason know that Cook likes him, or if Michael knows that he likes Cook. Maybe they're all talking about it secretly. He doubts that, though - he's known these people a while, and none of them would betray any secrets. They're close, closer than friends, maybe almost as close as family (except, hopefully, not that close in Cook's and his case). It's reassuring to know that people are rooting for him - that there are people who don't think it's weird or freaky or wrong that he likes Cook, people who would be happy to see them together.
What he can't figure out is why Cook hasn't said anything about liking him. He's not normally the type to be shy about telling someone he's into them - he asked Kim out on TV, cool as anything. And it's not like it's a secret that Cook sometimes likes guys - Andy Skib was proof of that. It doesn't make any sense, but the one thing he can't do is actually talk to Cook about it. He might pick a bad time and ruin everything. Cook might hate that he likes David - he might be trying to stop. David's only seventeen, after all. He's not legal, and Cook is the most moral person he knows, at least when it comes to the important stuff. If Cook realises David likes him back, he might freak out and back off again.
In fact, the more David thinks about it, the more it seems likely that Cook's not saying anything because he thinks David is too young, especially when he thinks back to that conversation Cook had with Michael. It's clear that he can't tell Cook he likes him, at least not yet. If anything is going to happen, it has to wait until he's eighteen, at the very least, for his own peace of mind, if not Cook's.
Which means he'll have to wait until after the tour, after both their albums have been released, after they've spent a few months not being together all the time. That brings up a new worry - what if Cook stops liking him? What if he finds someone new? Right now, Cook's got Kim, so he won't think about dating anybody else as long as that continues, and David knows Cook likes her, but it isn't serious - mainly because Cook's totally open about the fact that they're just having fun. (David's pretty sure he can take Kim down when or if the time comes.) And Cook's got Michael for all his playful 'mancrush' needs - Michael, who's totally straight and married, and Cook would never cross that line, because he doesn't do dishonesty. And the tour and his album and everything will keep him far too busy to meet anybody else, at least for now.
But after the tour - that three or four months when Cook will be releasing his album, and going on all the talk shows, and attending tons of parties with gorgeous famous people - he's bound to have loads of hot people make passes at him, and David won't be around because there's no way his dad will let him hang out with Cook when he's promoting his own album, especially not to go to decadent Hollywood parties. Cook might meet someone amazing; he might fall in love with some pop star or gorgeous movie actress, all while David is waiting patiently for the right time, and then where will he be? He worries at the problem, but there's not much he can do about it except hope for the best.
David's not entirely content to leave everything to chance, though - for one thing, he has no proof that Cook still likes him, and he needs to know, just so he can stop being so anxious about it. He plots for a while, takes his time, weighing his options - easiest would be roping in someone else to find out for him, and he has no doubt Carly could get it out of Cook pretty quick if he asked her, but then she'd know that Cook liked him back, and she'd decide she had to play matchmaker, and that might just tip the whole thing over, so he can't risk it.
He could somehow engineer a situation where they hug while he has his shirt off, or Cook sees him half-naked, maybe - but then Cook might spot the effect he has on David at the same time. David's just playing with ideas, picking and choosing, when the perfect scenario falls right into his lap like something out of a cliched romance story.
Jazzy gets really sick, just with flu, but she's stuck in bed and Jazzy is demanding when she's sick, and his mom is exhausted looking after her and the rest of the kids at the same time, and David's just wondering if maybe he can convince his dad he'll be okay by himself, and trying to calculate the right tone of voice to use to sound concerned about Jazzy and mom and also confident and mature and responsible, when his dad turns to him and says, 'Davey, I'm worried about your mom being all by herself.'
David fights the surprise that wants to show on his face and says carefully, 'She sounds really tired, dad.'
His dad looks thoughtful, and then he says, 'Dave, what would you think about me flying back home for a couple of days, just until Jazzy's over the worst?'
David bites his lip, looks down at his feet, and then says, quietly, 'Well, it sounds like they could use you more than I could. And I'll be fine for a few days; the others will look after me.'
His dad brightens, and reaches out to ruffle his hair. 'David, you are such a wonderful boy,' he says. 'I don't like to leave you on your own, but I know that I can trust you to be sensible.' He frowns, and David senses danger. What if his dad decides to have someone else fly out to babysit him - like one of his aunts, or something? He opens his mouth to sidestep this new obstacle, when his dad says, thoughtfully, 'I would feel happier knowing there's someone in particular looking out for you.'
David's just about to suggest his security guard can do it, or maybe one of the PA's - he can totally wrap them around his little finger like that - when his dad says, 'How about Cook?' and David feels his heart flip-flop in his chest. His father must take his incredulous expression for curiosity, because he says, 'I know you like and respect him, and I'm pleased, because he has proved himself to be an excellent role model. He's polite and responsible, and I'm sure he wouldn't mind keeping an eye on you for me.'
David tries not to swallow his tongue in excitement, because it's just hitting him - his dad wants Cook to look after him! His dad will be thousands of miles away, and Cook will have to check in on him, and make sure he's okay - and then he manages, 'Sure, dad, Cook's a good guy. I'd be okay with that,' and his dad nods, like, that's settled, then, and stands up.
'I'll just go speak to him,' he says, and David's desperate to hear the conversation, but also not, so he tries to sit still and wait. His dad comes back half an hour later and says, 'All resolved. They'll give him adjoining hotel rooms to you so he'll be close at hand if you need anything, and he's agreed to chaperone you to your media interviews for the next couple of days - the media team are going to make sure there are no scheduling conflicts with his promotional responsibilities,' and just like that, it's arranged.
His dad gets on the phone to the airline to book a flight, and then calls his mom to tell her, and David can hear her worrying about him, right up until his dad tells her Cook's going to look after him, when she totally relaxes, which is awesome - apparently his whole family likes and trusts Cook. He doesn't know what they'd say if he actually began a relationship with Cook - he's pretty sure they'd be disappointed, at the very least, but hopefully they love him enough to see past that.
It's another reason not to do anything before he's legal, though - he's hopeful he can talk them around as long as Cook follows the rules, and David makes it clear he initiated it, and Cook never behaved inappropriately, but if something happened while David was still underage, he reckons there'll be a much bigger hurdle to clear to make his parents okay with it (especially if, say, they thought Cook had seduced him while he was supposed to be looking after him). So, okay, no funny business, but it's the perfect opportunity to test if Cook's still into him - his dad won't be around; they'll be spending a lot of time together.
He doesn't see Cook again until sound check, and they don't really have any time to talk after, because they're both whisked off to get ready, so it's only when they're hanging out waiting for their sets that he gets a moment to turn to Cook and say, quietly, 'Thanks for, um, agreeing to baby-sit me?' and he makes a face, to show how ridiculous he thinks it is that he needs to be looked after.
Cook grins at him and says, 'Hey, man, no problem; I'm just stoked your dad apparently thinks I'm responsible enough to guard your virtue,' and gosh, David feels himself blush at that, because he hadn't been thinking about it at all, but now he is - what does Cook think, that he's going to have to fend off screaming fangirls desperate to get into David's pants?
'Um, I--I don't think that will be, uh, necessary,' David says, hesitantly, hating how being around Cook turns him into some kind of babbling mess - why he can't be relaxed like he is with Jason or Chikezie?
Cook laughs and says, 'Whatever, dude, I've seen your fans and the signs they make,' and he waggles his eyebrows suggestively.
David says, 'Well, I've seen the signs your fans make; if anyone needs their virtue protected, it's you,' and Cook laughs.
'Dude, I don't have any virtue left,' he says, sighing, 'Unlike you,' and David feels daring as he says, 'Maybe I'm not as virtuous as you think,' fighting the blush that threatens to spill over his cheeks.
Cook raises an eyebrow, and opens his mouth to speak when Michael drapes himself over Cook and says, 'Trying to impart some wisdom to your temporary protege?'
David feels half relieved and half annoyed, because Cook had been--that was totally flirting, right? He casts an eye around the room, but no one is paying attention, although there's a smile twitching at the corner of Carly's mouth that says she might have been watching earlier.
They're really busy with the post-show rush, and then they're herded onto the bus where David pretty much falls instantly asleep, so there isn't any time for any planning, let alone implementation of said plan. Then he's being shaken awake by Michael, and he glances over to see Chikezie trying to rouse Cook - who takes ages to fall asleep on the bus, with the consequence that he's normally dead to the world for the walk from the bus to his hotel room.
Cook and he have adjoining rooms, and the others are all on different floors - something about worry higher-up that there would be shenanigans if they're too close together, which is just ridiculous because they're all too tired at this point for anything like that. Kristy and Ramiele wave them out of the elevator, and David finds himself with a half-asleep Cook clutching his shoulder and walking into walls. It's kind of funny, especially when Cook spends about five minutes trying to find his room key-card, but David eventually takes pity on him and says, 'You can get in from my room,' and unlocks his own door.
Cook follows, uncertainly, and then he smiles at David - David feels his heart jump, because gosh, he looks gorgeous like this, eyes half closed and a lazy smile on his face - and says, 'So, does your dad normally tuck you in?'
David flushes, and then says, 'That won't be necessary,' and he could swear there's a glimpse of--something in Cook's eyes. Disappointment, maybe? It cheers him no end, to realise Cook wants to tuck him in (but also irritates him, because he's not a child).
Cook's wavering on his feet a little, and David says, 'Hey, just sit on the bed and I'll open the door to your room.' He discovers that the adjoining door is locked from both sides, so he detours to the bed, where Cook is laying on his back, yawning widely.
'I need your key,' he says, and Cook is absolutely no help at all, so David winds up just digging through Cook's pockets, and finds it - of course - in the last place he checks, the back pocket of Cook's ridiculously tight jeans. Cook has helpfully rolled over, so he's lying on his side, propped up on his elbow, eyeliner all smudged from where he only half removed it after the show, looking like a model in a high-fashion shoot. David is fumbling around trying to fit his fingers into Cook's pocket, and not think about the fact that he is technically touching Cook's ass for the first time, and is totally not thinking about how if he just leaned over a little, he could kiss Cook. Cook's looking at him over his shoulder in a way that makes David suspect he's not the only one thinking that.
He bites his lip, and is rewarded by Cook's eyes going even darker - his pupils are dilating, David thinks, remembering some half-read biology textbook; it means he's feeling desire, which is--okay, David has to stop these thoughts before anything disastrous happens.
His fingers finally close around the key-card, and he gives a little cry of triumph, and Cook laughs at him and rolls over onto his stomach.
'Imma gettin' up,' he says, voice slurred - that should not be as hot as it is - and David laughs and says, 'Yeah, just to fall all over me while I try to get the door open? Nice try, just stay there; I'll be back.'
He unlocks Cook's door, and opens the adjoining door from the other side, and then he walks into his room and stops, because Cook is snoring, which he should not find cute or endearing, but it's just little snuffles, and it kinda is, so whatever, he doesn't care.
He smiles fondly at Cook, and then debates waking him up and dragging him over to his own room and gives up in about three seconds, because he's not nuts, and dragging Cook around when he's half-awake is one thing, but doing it when he's actually asleep is an exercise in failure. He's seen how deeply Cook sleeps once he's off the bus and in the hotel, like he has to grab every millisecond of rest and use it as deeply as possible.
David digs through his overnight bag, looking for his toothbrush and pajamas, and while he brushes his teeth and gets changed, he has a genius idea. He'd been planning to sleep in Cook's bed, but his is a queen, so he could totally fit on it with Cook. Cook won't even wake up when David climbs in, and he's been looking for something to test if Cook's still into him - what could be better than Cook waking up in bed with him? It's kind of scary, but exciting at the same time. Back in the main room of the suite, he bites his lip, his hands toying with the material of his pajama top restlessly, hesitating to approach the bed.
Cook is fast asleep on top of the covers, arms stretched out in front of him and tucked under the pillow, and David spends a minute just looking because, okay, he's totally human, he can't not - especially when it's just - on display. Cook's got great arms, strong and well-muscled, but not overly large, and his neck and shoulders look great in the t-shirt he's wearing, and for once, David allows himself to look his fill - especially below the waist, even though it makes him blush, because he is so not blind.
Cook's kicked his shoes off at some point, but that's the only concession he's made to getting into bed, so David decides it's only fair if he helps a little - after all, he knows how awful it is to wake up still wearing jeans. Cook doesn't even hint at waking up through the ten minutes David spends yanking and tugging at his stupidly tight jeans - and freaking out that maybe Cook isn't wearing underwear, because it's way too soon for nudity. Cook, thankfully, is wearing boxers, and once his jeans are off he just snuffles a little and stretches out some more.
David collapses onto the bed next to Cook, panting. 'How do you even get into jeans this tight?' he asks. David decides there's no way he's going to struggle to get Cook under the covers - he's exhausted and embarrassed just from the jeans - but it would ruin the effect in the morning if Cook wakes up to find himself on top of the covers; he won't think, even for a second, that--you know.
So David takes a deep breath, and tugs at the corner under Cook's right hand, and finds to his surprise that it's way easier than the jeans had been - Cook considerately rolls wherever he wants him, so it only takes a couple of minutes to straighten everything out - and he can't believe that Cook is still asleep after all of that; he must be the deepest sleeper ever.
David stands at the edge of the bed and studies his handiwork, debating with himself. Can he really do this? Yeah, yes, he definitely can - it's Cook. So he draws the covers back on the other side of the bed to where Cook is sprawled, and climbs in. He keeps right to his side of the bed - he doesn't want to give Cook a heart attack when he wakes up, just a little jolt - and is asleep within minutes, worn out by the effort of putting Cook to bed, and comforted by Cook's steady breathing.
When David wakes up, he's disoriented for a moment, as he always is in a new hotel room at first, and then he blinks sleepily at the darkened room, and wonders why his chest feels so heavy. The answer turns out to be that Cook's arm is slung across it - the night before comes back to him in a flash, and he wonders if Cook's awake. He can't reach his phone to check the time from his position, and he doesn't want to wake Cook by moving, so he tries to figure out how early or late it is by the hint of light he can see at the edge of the drapes.
He reckons it's maybe eight which means they'll both need to be up pretty soon - they have press at ten. He yawns a little, and tries to stretch, gently, and that's when he discovers he's partly hard, which is not unusual for him in the mornings, but he's never been in bed with someone else when it happened before - what if Cook notices? He feels Cook start to stir, and decides pretending to be asleep is his best option - Cook will be less likely to immediately freak out if he thinks David is asleep, and it gives David time to work out how to hide his--situation. So he keeps his eyes shut and tries to even out his breathing as he feels Cook fidget restlessly beside him. It's weird, being awake with his eyes closed - he wants to look but he restrains himself.
Cook's hand twitches on his stomach, and then Cook must realise where he is, because he takes in a startled breath, and his hand starts to withdraw, jerkily. He stops, though - probably trying to be careful not to wake David up - and pulls it away slowly. David misses the feeling of Cook's arm slung over him, but he's distracted by dissecting every nuance of Cook's movements and every sound he makes.
Cook doesn't seem to be freaking out, or trying to get away. He leans over - probably checking the time - and then lies back down, and David fights the urge to smile, because Cook isn't running away in a panic; he's just settling down, peaceful. Except... if Cook really liked David he'd probably be embarrassed and desperate to escape, but maybe he doesn't anymore, so he's not worried about them being in bed together because he knows nothing untoward will happen.
David tries to shut his brain up, mostly unsuccessfully, and is just debating how to make his 'waking up' look realistic when Cook reaches over and runs a hand gently through his hair, and then touches his shoulder. 'Dave, man, time to wake up,' he says softly, and David blinks a couple times, and then can't resist rolling over and burying his head in Cook's warm shoulder, sighing into his skin. He's warm from sleep, and he smells like he always does, but more, somehow, and David can't resist nosing at the bone under his skin softly.
'Dave, if this is how you wake your dad up, I gotta tell you, I'm getting a little freaked out here,' Cook says, and David pulls back and blinks up at him, not entirely faking the drowsiness.
'W-what?' he asks, and Cook laughs.
'Mmm, time to get up. I was wiped last night; sorry for falling asleep on you.' Cook yawns again, and then stretches, and his muscles pull tight and his belly is all taut, and David can see a small patch of hair leading somewhere very interesting in the gap revealed between his boxers and his t-shirt. Cook looks at him then, and David could swear Cook sees right through him, sees everything, his stupid plans and plotting, his hopeless crush, everything he thinks about when he's all alone and no one's around to laugh at him.
Cook's eyes go kind of soft, and he smiles and ruffles David's hair again, and then he says, 'Okay, now it's really time to get up,' and pads to the bathroom. David can see him through the door, sloshing water on his face, and then he wanders back out and grabs his bag from the corner.
'Guess I better go use that expensive room of mine,' he says, and David nods, and slides to the edge of the bed, careful to keep the covers over his lap.
Cook turns to go, and David coughs and says, 'Cook? Um, I don't--I don't mind that you fell asleep in my bed. You, uh, looked like you needed it.'
Cook doesn't comment on the fact that David undressed him, or that David chose to sleep in the same bed instead of taking the identical one in the next room. Instead, he just grins at David, relaxed, easy, and says, 'Yeah, I guess I did. Thanks, man.'
He leaves the adjoining door open, so David can hear him moving around, and then showering. David follows suit and under the hot spray, taking care of his erection, he wonders if Cook's doing the same thing - if Cook's doing it thinking of him. He's certainly thinking about Cook.
It's the first time he's ever shared a bed with someone he isn't related to, and he's pretty sure if this whole thing doesn't end with more than just them sleeping platonically in a bed together he's going to die. He doesn't know if he can bear to wait another couple of months - he doesn't know if he can wait another couple of days, even. His--his desire for Cook (there, he's finally admitted it, even if only to himself, inside his head) feels huge and all-encompassing, feels like it's going to wash every other part of him away. He has to lean against the shower wall after he's done to try to regain his breath. He's still doing that when he hears Cook calling through the partially open door.
'Archie, they just called, the car will be here in thirty minutes; are you ready for breakfast?'
He shuts off the shower and calls back that he'll be out in a minute. When he opens the door, wrapped in one of the hotel's fluffy white towels, he really doesn't expect to see Cook, dressed and hair already styled, reclining on the bed and reading a magazine.
'Um,' he says, and stops. Isn't this one of the points on his secret plan to seduce Cook? Letting Cook see him partially undressed? Except, he doesn't feel like he's in control here; it would be different if he'd planned it, but to walk out not expecting Cook, and to find him and, what's more, to find him looking, calmly, interestedly - David's at a loss, and he hates that more than anything. He bites his lip, and looks around for his clothes; he spots them on the bed next to Cook. He grits his teeth and walks over, trying to look relaxed, but he can feel tension coiling in his spine, and his breathing is quickening, because he's mostly naked, and Cook has all his clothes on, and he feels really vulnerable.
Maybe Cook notices, because he frowns and then looks down at the magazine he's holding, intently. It's easier, with him not looking. He says, quietly, 'Dave, I can go next door if--I mean, sorry, I shouldn't have just wandered in here without asking permission,' and his voice sounds kind of... distant.
David can see all his hard work going to waste - if Cook thinks he's freaked out by last night and doesn't want him around, he'll go back to avoiding David again, and they'll be back to square one, and he is so not about to let that happen, so he forces himself to make eye contact with Cook, smiles as widely as he can manage, and says, 'I don't mind. Just don't peek!' and Cook laughs, and says, 'I promise,' and then leans back and puts his hand over his eyes, theatrically.
David gets dressed as quickly as he can, eyeing Cook the whole time to make sure he doesn't cheat, kicking himself mentally, because way to prove that he's mature and--and sexy - he can't even let Cook see him half-naked.
When he's done, Cook takes his hand away and hops off the bed, and slings an arm over David's shoulders to guide him out of the room, and it's warm and comforting just like always, and David allows himself to think that maybe it'll be okay. But he's still not sure. He worries about it all through the interviews and meetings he has scheduled - Cook's doing the same thing in the room next door, which is reassuring in a strange way. He runs through the memories of the previous night and the morning, wondering if Cook's behaviour means he likes David, or doesn't, and if Cook thinks David likes him, or not. He really has no clue, though - it's so frustrating, and Cook isn't much help.
Over the next couple of days they spend together - Cook constantly joking about needing to make sure David doesn't get into any trouble - Cook sometimes acts like a big brother, and the rest of the time like David's best friend. He can't work out what Cook's thinking. The tour's nearing the end, and he's pretty sure the situation calls for something big, some moment to make both of them certain about what's coming, but he can't think what. He should totally be using this opportunity with his dad gone to make something happen, but instead he's - there's no other word for it - mooning around like some love-struck teenager, spending half his time daydreaming about Cook and the other half panicking that Cook doesn't even like him.
In the end, it's Cook that makes the effort - it's the last day before his dad flies back, and Cook has to relinquish his role as David's 'protector', and he suggests over breakfast that since neither of them has any commitments for a change, they should take advantage of it and do something fun. David readily agrees and to be honest, he expects Cook to invite some of the others along, but it turns out it's just them.
Cook decides he wants to get to know the city they're in - David isn't even sure he knows which city it is anymore; he's lost track - so they walk around for a couple of hours, exploring, and it's actually really fun. They don't have any pressure, they don't have a plan - they find some great churches tucked away in quiet back roads, and a couple of parks, one of which has a lake; and Cook insists on buying him a baseball cap when they pass a few shops.
Cook spots a nice-looking restaurant and, during dessert, Cook leans over, offering David a taste of his chocolate cake ('C'mon, it's the best thing ever, I swear'). David pulls back after, can feel chocolate on his mouth, and when he licks it off Cook watches, following the movement of his tongue, looking--kinda hungry.
David blurts out, 'Cook, is this a date?', feeling a little incredulous, because if it is, he had no idea, and Cook actually blushes, and looks down at his plate, and then says, with forced chirpiness, 'Do you want it to be?'
David holds his breath, and thinks - because he does, he really does, but if they're dating already, that's a little advanced; it's certainly way ahead of schedule.
'Um. Maybe?' is the answer he finally settles on, and Cook grins at him.
'Okay. But if it's only a maybe-date, you don't get any more of my dessert,' Cook says, and he scoops up the rest of it and shoves it into his mouth in one go.
'Mmm, delicious,' Cook says, licking chocolate frosting off his fingers. David feels himself turn red, and he looks away, because that is--Cook has no idea--and then he looks back to find Cook smirking at him and, oh, he totally knows what he's doing, the sneak.
Two can play at that game, so David says, 'Uh, you missed a spot,' kind of hesitantly, and lifts his hand to point at Cook's mouth, and then, when Cook's about to chase it down, he leans in and rubs his forefinger over Cook's top lip, lightning fast, and then draws it back and, holding eye contact with Cook, although it kind of kills him, he slips the finger into his mouth and sucks it.
Cook's eyes go wide and dark, and David sees his throat working as he swallows, and it would be so easy just to take the next step, and kiss Cook, but he needs to stick to the plan. The plan is there for a reason, and he's determined not to mess this up, so he leans back, and says, 'Are you gonna get the check?'
Cook blinks at him for a second or two, and then says, 'I'm paying, huh? Sounds like a date to me,' and calls the waiter over.
David thinks about the day when he gets back to the hotel, and decides an almost-date and some mouth touching and suggestive finger-sucking puts them right about where they ought to be, so he falls asleep easily, content.
When his dad wakes him the next morning, after reassuring David that his mom and Jazzy are both fine, he asks how it went with Cook. David smiles widely, and says, 'It was great, dad,' and the most awesome part is the look on Cook's face when his dad stops him that morning at breakfast and thanks him for taking care of David 'so admirably,' and says that David seems in excellent spirits after a few days in Cook's company.
David smiles sunnily at Cook and says, 'Yeah, thanks, Cook,' and then, 'Oh, hey, chocolate-chip pancakes,' and he's desperate to turn around and see Cook's expression, but instead he piles pancakes on a plate, humming quietly, and then he hears Cook cough and excuse himself, and he counts it a win.
It's odd, although he's been with the other Idols pretty much 24/7 since the tour started, he doesn't actually miss them until about three days after the tour ends, when he wakes up, remembers a stupid comment Michael made, and thinks of a totally awesome reply, and then realises he can't tell Jason about it because he's not sleeping across from him on the bus; Jason's in Texas, and David is in Utah with his family for a few precious days off before he has to finish the album.
And then, of course, he thinks about Cook, and feels his absence like a sudden ache all over, because David just wants a hug, or Cook to make a stupid joke; he doesn't even care, he just wants Cook. He tells himself off for moping - he'd already given himself a talking to and decided he wasn't going to allow himself to be miserable, because it's only a temporary separation, but he can't help it. At that exact moment, his phone beeps, and he practically falls over the bed in an attempt to grab it, but it's just a message from one of his friends asking if he wants to come to a party that night. He tries to pretend he wasn't hoping it was from Cook, and fails.
Part two