Welcome to,
kaibyaku! I,
blooming_cosmo am the maintainer of this new graphics journal. For the next few posts, I will be putting up all the icons I have ever made depending on category, etc. After that new icons will follow. If you'd like to know how I get inspired to make my icons, please click the cut below to my resources page. This page can also be found in my userinfo page as well as the side bar of this journal.
Ryuusei: A Tenten Shrine-
Hanabira: A Sakura Shrine-
Titans Go!-
Anime Galleries-
Gloriosa Basic Photoshop Tutorials/Icon Tutorials
Day Dream Graphics-
Yoruame Graphics-
Anime Share-
Pikanu Brushes
Anime Share-
DeviantArt Textures
clampesqueawmpdotnetglassballerinarainharbour_dream_graphicsxgraphicjunkieiconistas_ravenwingicon_topiaicon_tutorialicon_texturesphotoshopextrascolorfilterinxsomniax__gunner77wordsashke_iconscolorfiltergendersoulspringdarkangel_alone_joni joyfulsong crumblingwallsimmoralteh_indy bombayiconspessimistchick adoralynacdgscarsonchestewanismunmasked_iconskaien_kun-
Graceful Lament Fonts
Da Font-
Anime Share Inspiration
berrygoldtoastmish_johaishie07emeraldshinela_xhaltulleskirtsamrhravyn726angels_requiem Also, it helps me a great deal that those who do decide to visit this journal and take any icons do so after following the rules, which are listed in the same fashion as the resources.
Rules For This Graphics Journal
1. Above all else, this is probably the most important rule. If you have come to take icons, please credit my work either by saying that the graphics were made by
kaibyaku or
blooming_cosmo. I have worked really hard to make these icons, and it takes me time to make a nice batch of icons. If you are unsure of how to credit, please go to the userinfo page and view the minitutorial. It's simple, so there is no reason to go steal.
2. Uh. Don't alter my icons.
3. Not necessary to leave a comment, but comments do help me see what style of iconing I should stick to. XD
4. If you choose to comment, don't be rude. I like seeing different opinions and I don't mind if anyone offers advice for improvement...but that doesn't give you a right to be an ass. I also do not take kindly to those with a 'holier than thou' complex. KTHNX.
5. Please don't hotlink. That wastes my bandwidth and then I have to delay putting up icons. Save icons to your own servers or host serves such as www.photobucket.com or www.imageshack.us