
Mar 22, 2009 02:58

Anime meme or whatever it be called.

Tsunderekko (Harsh Outside-Gentle Inside)
[*] You come off as sort of aloof to other people.
[*] In public, you intentionally refrain from showing much weakness.
[ ] You have a secret obsession with something cute.
[ ] You pretend that you hate your crush even though you really love him/her.
[*] You blush when people point out your sensitivites.
[ ] You blush when people tell sexual jokes. [I usually be just like :| or the one that made it... >.>;;]
Total: 3

Yanderekko (Gentle Outside-Harsh Inside)
[*] You’re very sweet and kind in public.
[*] When romance becomes a topic of discussion, people say your personality changes drastically.
[ ] You know some sort of martial art, swordplay, or otherwise.
[*] You have a crush who you’d literally kill for.
[*] You have a pet-peeve that makes you snap.
[*] Bipolar? [Sometimes... I guess :\]
Total: 5

Meganekko (Girl-with-Glasses Character)
[ ] You have glasses (obviously).
[ ] You can sometimes be clumsy, ditzy, or absent-minded.
[ ] You are always very polite in your speech.
[*] You are fairly intelligent in some field.
[ ] You take discipline seriously.
[*] You have some sort of fetish for something
Total: 2

Tsukkomi (Angry Guy)
[*] You have a friend who often makes dumb or embarrasssing remarks. [sigh. former friend.]
[*] You smack/beat up this friend in some way. [Then she gets really mad... >.>;;]
[*] You do your best to maintain a calm facade, only to be thwarted by this friend.
[ ] If you & your friend were a yin-yang, you’d be the “yang”.
[ ] You swear a lot.
[ ] You try to bring out the more serious side of your ridiculous friend.
Total: 3

Boke (Dumb Guy)
[*] You often make silly or embarrassing comments.
[*] You like annoying the heck out of your best friend.
[ ] You often get beaten up by your friend in some way, but you take it in good stride.
[ ] If you & your friend were a yin-yang, you’d be the “yin”.
[*] You are normally very laidback and carefree. [IRL I am... but once I get on the comp that changes somewhat.]
[*] You try to bring out the happier side of your angry friend.
Total: 4

Nadeshiko (Perfect Wife)
[*] You are always, almost overly polite. [Unless I detest someone, of course. Or if I love them lots...]
[ ] You love traditional Japanese culture.
[ ] You often wear either a kimono, yukata (summer cotton kimono), or apron.
[ ] You’re an excellent cook.
[*] You are hardly ever angry. [There's only like two things that actually gets me angry...]
[ ] You have really long hair.
Total: 2

Tomboy Character
[*] You feel comfortable in boy’s clothing. [-is wearing them now-]
[*] You have short hair
[ ] You have a crush whom you act friendly with rather than romantically.
[ ] You are really good at sport/s.
[*] You are admired by girls and boys for your talents, though you’re sort of in denial. [Uh... minus the boy part.]
[ ] You show your girly features on rare occasions.
Total: 3

Sexy Character
[ ] Your bust/package is...formidable. [-blinkblink-]
[*] You like making sexual innuendos. [>.>;;]
[ ] You encourage trips to the beach, pool, or onsen
[ ] There are some sexual things that you are ignorant to or need explained to you.
[ ] You’re an expert cosplayer.
[ ] You like the taste of alcohol.
Total: 1

And at last...Lolita/Shota Character
[ ] You like sweets or chocolate.
[*] You adore cute things and/or the word “kawaii”.
[*] You use Japanese suffixes like “-chan,” “-tan,” “-sempai,” etc... [guilty of "-senpai" all the time D:]
[ ] You add unnecessary suffixes to the ends of your sentences, like “nyo,” “nyu,” “un,” etc...
[*] You are considered gullible or naive.
[ ] You have a tall/powerful friend who protects you.
Total: 3

Tsunderekko XD; I guess I am... followed by Boke... That one makes sense XDD

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me!"
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will post the answers to the questions (and the questions themselves) on your blog or journal.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. And thus the endless cycle of the meme goes on and on and on and on.

I was interviewed by Chlorine~

1) If Mary-chan has the modly skirt, what shirt do you wear along with it? :o [[Lame question, sorry. D:]] Uh... -blinkblink- -scratches head- -headtilt- whichever was on the floor near the top of mah pile of clothes at the time ._.
2) How old were you when you started liking yaoi? Hm... this be a good question... Maybe about... uh. 10?
3) Manga or anime? I refuse to choose. BOTH.
4) If you could give yourself a ~super power~, what would it be and why? Transformation. Because then I could turn into anything and then transform into a bird and fly to see those I wanna see.
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