...okay, the ending was't THAT much lame. I actually liked it.
So basically, this anime tells us the story of Hitomi, an ordinary girl with an ordinary life (as usual) who suddenly travels from her world to a world named Gaea. This world seems to be in constant war, in which giant robots are the main piece for the victory (yes, giant robots in a medieval world).
So, in this country she meets a boy named Van, who had his country destroyed by the war. He spends pretty much most of his time looking for his brother, who happens to be by the side of a man who seeks for unusual ways to obtain absolute peace in Gaea.
Yaddle, yaddle, yaddle. Watch the anime. It is boring from the first episode until the 19th (the anime has 26 chapters plus a movie - which I'm going to watch tomorrow). The 20th episode and so on are very good.
And in the end Hitomi finds that she was in love with Van... AND THEY DON'T END UP TOGETHER. Ö
In the end, Hitomi goes to her world and Van remains in Fanelia (which is his homeland in Gaea).
Well, technically this is the ending, but in the final scene Hitomi is waiting for the train and then Van appears from the nowhere with his big, beautiful angel wings (he is a Draconian, one of Gaea's race - when you think about it, Escaflowne would make a nice game).
But the ending was funny because of THIS:
Anyway, I'm gonna watch the movie tomorrow... and take this off my list!! :DV