aaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuooooooiiiii stressball the size of infinity between my shoulder blades running all the way to the top of my brain. mmmmmmmmmergh and I have been told that admitting the pain only makes it worse. hmmh. no thinky please, hurts too much...
ha ha. What's funny is when you view the friends page and you see that some people no longer have you as their friend. *shrugs* that would explain the lack of responses in the past! c'est la vie! :D
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So my old boss came to the store today to get her ladder back and basically was kissing my ass and saying how she requested I come back to her store full time
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tho I think I mentally try to avoid thinking of war and iraq and all of our troops... I still think about it every once in a while. And honestly, I just feel sad. I feel that my views mean nothing when there are kids still going away, posibly forever. The silent war that lasts 20 years. or more. or less. I dunno. *deep sigh*
so I've been really stupidly sick lately. All my fault. Working too much with between 4-7 hours of sleep and a bad diet. So flu is what I got. I think
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has anyone ever read MeruPuri? I like VampireKnight but dunno if MP is too 'young' but then again. I still like the gummybears and its official. I plan on learning japanese with the rest of my life