Finally getting around to uploading all of the pics that I've been putting off doing all year
Wishing Kezz a happy birthday!
What I work with every day for 8 hours. This is just one client's rose wall/bed. I'll eventually take pics of other client's gardens. Dying to have my camera ready for when we go to my favorite house!
a random girl at a random festival that I absolutely loved. Her clothing. her style. She was sex.
Some old man speeding down the road on his thing
I love that I can make her hair look pretty and colorful. :]
I didn't realize that I knew the winged guy until after the day was over. John and his boyfriend running around downtown being cute twinks.
Wasabi and Lav in an amusing sequence
Brian et moi
Salt Lake City trip
Relaced and painted my shoes out of boredom
Snowboarding fun! Woo!
Sun was in my eyes. I couldn't actually see at this point
GryphonKitty! How I love to annoy him.
Mom getting ready If you look closely to the right, you can see a framed pic of me with shoulder length hair. GASP!
There are MANY more pics but I've already spent an hour doing I'll get to it another time.