Okay, for my sweet friend, JereduLevenin on FFnet, who's currently disabled with the computer and certain sites, I'm posting this sweet, sweet fanfic just for her! ^_^
Oh yeah, Merry Belated Jesus-Day. ^___^
That Wonderful Time of Year Again
Chapter One )
Comments 9
I like this!!!! Just be sure to post everything you write on Lj... then I can read it!!! I won't be putting anything up here, artwork wise, that ISN'T on dA, so my parents don't need to have my Lj account info... therefore, I should have access to this site. If not, I'll use the comp in my room. =P. Anywho, <3 !!!!
Two - if you DO flood, let me get a reply in first.
Three - Chocolate is sexy. And a certain friend of mine thinks it might have some sort of laxative property to it.
Four - hmm... I wonder if Mello has to poop a lot...
Five - Sheesh. With all the death note cosplayers of our happy group at A-kon, I can't believe you forgot all of them already! JEEZ. Well, if you wish to read them mangawise, I can loan you 2-5 and 7-9. XD Do know I kissed half the pages Mello was on.
Six - Matt... is... so freakin' cute it's not funny.
Seven - ...there is no seven, I just love the number.... there is no spoon to bend, perhaps it is yoooou who bends the spoon... THE MATRIX HAS YOU!
I might take you up on the offer, though- I can read manga in places that I cannot read the computer version. As long as you weren't eating chocolate when you kissed the pages- I'd rather NOT have to decipher what mayt be hidden beneath the chocolate smudges...
That's a shame, though. Death Note's a great series, why do you think half the group dedicated our longest A-kon day to it? *ish in lurve*
...*twitch twitch spaz*
I don't destroy my mangas. See, I actually establish rules with mine:
*no scratches
*no tears
*no dog-ears
*no missing pages
*no dirty pages
*no bent covers
*no smudged covers
*no licked covers (I almost broke this... *snork*)
*no within a six-inch radius of manga
*no drink within six and seven/eighths-inch radius of manga
*no random mysterious markings/stains/notes/doodles inside the pages or on the cover
*I bite people who break these rules above.
Yes, those are indeed the rules.
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