Title: Drives me crazy
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Pairing: Kirk/Mccoy
Rating: pg-13 (maybe R?)
Warnings: They are like bunnies an' stuff. With the cuteness. Also, this writing style is a little bit like crack, although the plot may not be. YOU ARE WARNED.
Summary: Fill for nu!kinkmeme prompt: "
He drives me crazy, he drives me wild, but I'm helpless
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Comments 15
Jim, master of nose-breathing even though he normally never used the skill
I'd never really stopped to think what this meant before, but yes, Jim is many things, but none of them stupid.
Good luck with the final! If you can write like that, you better be getting an A or your prof is an eediot.
(and...yeah, I hope I got an A. I don't know if the prof likes my style of writing. I got a perfect score on a research paper, but the narrative and other 'creative' writings got like 95/100 [so I should pass anyway])
One typo though -- "'what's-a-gir-like-you-ect" I think you wanted "etc." ;)
Great Bones, torn between kissing or just smacking the crap out of Jim.
This in particular made me laugh
"Not a...party pooper...bar-fight pooper."
"I feel like the fact that you just managed to use that word twice in the same sentence would make Joanna very proud of you," Jim grinned like it was a compliment, which maybe it was in a strange, six-year-old, toilet humor sense. And that made sense too, since Jim could certainly behave with all the vast poise of a six-year-old himself when he wanted to.
Truer words about James T. Kirk may have never been written.
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