Apr 19, 2020 21:32

What species is your character? Human

Would other characters be able to sense your character's species? Yep, pretty sure! He's just your average guy.

Is there anything strange in your character's blood, DNA, etc that other characters might be able to sense? Not really.

What does your character's soul look like? A blunt-yellow soul,basic. Probably choppy looking hair? Maybe glasses? This guy is so simple it'd probably just be a bland one.

Is it possible to read anything from your character's soul? Good soul, he's not trying to hide anything. :) He's friendly, cheerful and mostly self-conscious but it'll be easy to see he has a good heart.

What color is your character's soul? A blunt-yellow, not bright but not too dull. Simply because yellow is a cheerful color, but lighter ones tend to blend in to the background.

Does your character have an ability that others might be able to sense? Not really...? Everyone's likely to find him learning everything he can on communications, surveillance and all that sort around the ship. It'll be likely to realize he's a specialist, but that's not 'extra amazing'.

Is your character surrounded by something else that might somehow 'stick'? There might be a metallic smell considering all the equipment he works with, otherwise no.

Can your characters thoughts be read? Most definitely, and Fuery wouldn't notice. Just don't think it's anything to greasy, really. I believe when there's something important going on (for example; war, battle, the Colonel needing something.) it will be harder to read but not impossible.

Is it possible to communicate with your character through telepathy? Maybe if Fuery ever gets a radio to transmit in his head, but no.

Is it possible to see what your character is doing through psychic powers? Sure! He wouldn't even notice, not that he's at all interesting.

Is it possible to sense your character's location somehow? Sure!

Is it possible to sense your character's emotions? Intentions? I don't see why not, although Fuery really isn't one to need to really try and 'sense'. His expressions normally displace on his features and he's an incredibly truthful kid.

Does your character have any mental walls or defences up? Only when he needs to, and obviously those are only serious moments. Otherwise, Fuery is a very trusting person so go for it.

Can your character be mind-controlled? This is something I'm iffy on. For a lot of things, it's a 'depending' on the moment situation for Fuery. Simply because as we watch him grow, the more serious the situation he finds himself in the more closed off and attentive he becomes. This goes into his battles as well as his work place, and anything else thrown at him by his higher ranking officers. This being said, yes, it is possible to mind control; but the affects alter with the scenerio. If something is happening and he knows of it, it will likely be harder and end sooner. If he's on his own and it's a 'simple' day, he's a pretty subject fellow. (Sadly)

How do you feel about 4th wall breaking? Eh, I guess it's all right. I'd prefer it not to happen all the time and to be informed of before hand. There's nothing I'm against, except maybe fourth-walling him about Hawkeye getting her neck slit or Mustang going blind. Yeah, Fuery hearing that will not make him happy, at all.

Is there something specific that you don't want anyone to know about your character? Nothing  that comes to mind.

How do you feel about threadjacking? You can do it! Just don't expect me not to in return!

What about spamming your posts? I'm fine with it, but don't get out of hand. No killing each other, please~

How about sudden action threads? I don't mind at all, have fun! I'll try and keep up~<3

gargleblasted, !ooc stuff, permissions post

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