Look what I found...

Aug 01, 2006 14:26

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Post your results.
1) What mental disorder does
belladonna12remind you of? homosexuality
2) Is
furyoffireintroverted or extroverted? extrovert
3) What song/movie would you recommend to
doujinwave? frida because she was an artist
4) Is
drink_yer_teapopular? yes
5) What planet should
drink_yer_teabe from? terra?
6) Is
fossil_iciclea nerd? he spends a lot of time in his lab, so....
7) What color should
keeptothebeatdye their hair? PURPLE!!1!! or lime green
8) Has
godthatneverwasdyed their hair? idk
9) Is
drink_yer_teayour best friend? no
10) Where did you first meet
belladonna12? never met
11) Is
snackbarsniperathletic? he has to be if he's a snackbar sniper
12) If
peepofdarknesswere spliced together, what would be its name? roxcid or rancid
13) What exotic animal would
belladonna12like as a pet? a pink bunny
14) Is
furyoffirein a relationship? LOLOLOLOLOL
15) If
fossil_iciclewas a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? yo mama
16) How tall is
nagekawashii_ne? shrimp
17) Where was
nagekawashii_neborn? in darkness
18) If
furyoffirewere hanging off a cliff, what would
lol_stabbitydo? lol, duh! he'd go stabbity!
19) Would
belladonna12make a good couple? yeah, like cats and dogs
pwnt_you_lamers's eye color? errrrrr green? blue?
21) One quality you find attractive in
peepofdarkness? likeness to 'somebody'
22) What would
godthatneverwasdo differently in your shoes? eat them? idk
23) What video game does
train_fairyremind you of? ffviii duh
24) How would
belladonna12? hehehe easily, probably choking on his own flower or something XD
25) Is
lol_stabbitydead sexy? if you don't say he's sexy, you're dead
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