ALLLLLLLLEES GUTE ZUM GEBURTSTAG!! *HUGS&KISSSES* Oh man, hope you like it! Ich habs so verlernt irgendwas gescheites zu produzieren DD:
Hope today is lovely for you eventhough school is a steaming heap of bullshit and Pandora's been kidnapped! Schatzi always remember that you are my darlingest fangirl soulmate brain-sharer and eventhough we are cruelly seperated by a large hunk of land- there is no one else that I would rather burn my eyes with marathoning TV series with or discuss really GAY GAY GAY games, fic and other things with than YOUUUUU ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
ALSO: *continues to enable/compel you mwahahahaha :DDDDDD*
EDIT: FUCK YOU PHOTOBUCKET *kicks* ...dude I'll just send it to ya per email too *sighs* DDDD: